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Requested by: TheVoidWeFallInto

So, I watched a movie in Geography class before the whole Corona thing happened, but we never finished watching it, so I don't know the ending. But the thing is, I don't want to watch it, so I doubt I'll ever find out what happened.

Also, god bless Google for being able to understand what I meant by movie end of the world global warming 4 to 5 days.

| Just A Game. |

"It's just a game." You say to yourself.

You had recently found out about an RPG. It seemed like an interesting concept, so... yeah, why not try it out?

You double-clicked on the icon, and saw the title screen.

The Mundet Program

That's the name of the game. Makes sense for a title screen.

The game was normal enough.

You met some characters, saw some deaths, fought a few things, and the game was over.

Things got... strange... once you replayed it.

One of the characters, Sero, was the first things that made you realize something was wrong.

"Yeah, I didn't pass the test. It's good for you that you did, though!"

That was the normal dialogue.

"I didn't want to pass it."

"Still, I think it's something to be proud of, not many people pass."

"Almost everyone passes, Sero! You should consider yourself lucky..."

That's when it changed. Usually, he asks "I am?" but instead...




His sprite turned to one you'd never seen before, looking... disturbed, almost.

"I want out."

Then it went back to normal.

Another small change happened later in the game.

Another difference in dialogue happened when talking to a character named Bakugou, your companion for part of the game. He unfortunately dies later in the game, and seeing him again made you feel... sad, in a way.

"So I guess we're gonna be partners, huh?"

"Whatever. Not like it matters. We're just gonna die like the rest of the teens in this god forsaken program."

"I mean... you're right, but-"

"Why even do this? Why not take, you know, people who don't have their entire life in front of them?"

"I don't know... just fucked up people, I guess."

"No, I want to know why."

"And you think I know? Maybe they think that since we're younger, we're stronger, or whatever."

Yet again, it changed to a sprite you'd never seen. He looked... worried.

"This feels so familiar... why do I feel like we've had this conversation before, (Y/N)? Have we? Why do I feel like I've met you before? What are these... memories? Why do I remember dying, (Y/N)?"

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