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(Don't think I've used that pic before, but I'm too lazy to check :P)

This is another one that I won't reveal.

But this time, it's not because I want you to figure it out, no, this time...

It's because I just wrote this without thinking of any specific character to be the yandere.

I'll just let you decide who you think it is.

(And also, there's no right answer. I literally wrote this with no idea who it is.)

| Nightmare |

You watch as the world dissolves into nothingness around you.

The floor collapses below you, and you start falling.

You fall deeper and deeper into the void as the world you once knew fades from your vision.

You just keep falling, and falling, and falling, and falling...

You just fell forever.

There were no sounds, not even echoes.

The silence felt heavy, as if you were going to be crushed to death by it.

It felt lonely.

It felt... scary.

But it's ok.

It's ok, because you know.

You know what this is.

This is just a nightmare.

Your eyes slowly open.

You look around.

You're still in the hotel room.

At least it's comfortable.

You've been trapped in a large hotel room for half a year.

The doors and windows were all boarded up,so much that you couldn't even see outside. The only way you could tell the time was by a clock on the wall.

You sighed, and got out of bed.

"Hm... should I shower before or after breakfast...?" You asked yourself while stretching. You yawned, and stood there in complete silence for a moment, before telling yourself the same thing you've been telling yourself for the past week. "I'll just shower tomorrow....."

You looked up at the security camera in the corner of the room.

"Hey! I'm awake! You can give me my breakfast now!" You yelled. "And while I'm yelling at you! Can you give me a carton of chocolate milk while you're at it? Thank you!"

You say 'thank you', but you don't really mean it. You realized whoever's keeping you here was more likely to give you what you wanted if you were more polite.

After using the bathroom, and brushing your teeth, you made your way back to the main room.

You saw that, at the front door, there was a plate of food, with a carton of chocolate milk on the side.


You carried the tray to your bed, and turned on the TV.

The movie you were watching last night was still in the player.

"I fell asleep before I saw  the ending, so... yeah, why not." You said to yourself, pressing the rewind button on your remote, preparing to rewatch the movie.

You noticed a note beside the bowl of cereal that was given to you for your breakfast.

I'm, um, sorry for keeping you in here so long.

I was thinking I'd reveal myself to you soon.

Maybe let you out of the room.

I mean, this entire hotel is abandoned, so we could just, like... live here.

There's a cafe that still gets restocked since, for some reason, they still think people work here.

That's actually where I got that carton of chocolate milk.

There's also a pool room with a sauna and hot tub.

I can't wait for you to meet me!

Have a good day, (N/N)!

This was the first time you got a hint of your captor's personality.

Maybe you could try to kill them?

No, you can't...

And you can't kill yourself, either. There's no bleach, poisons, knives, forks, basically anything you could kill yourself with.

Well, there were forks and knives, but they were plastic.

This person... seems nice, at least.

You know, despite the whole 'kidnapping you and holding you captive in a hotel room for half a year' thing.

However this ends, it will definitely end soon, won't it?

Without finishing your breakfast, or the movie, just not knowing what else to do, you fell back asleep.

Maybe when you wake up, you'll wake up at home, and realize the last half a year had just been a nightmare.

That would be relieving.


Yeah. I don't know who this is.

Go ahead, become MatPat, or whatever. By that, I mean feel free to theorize.

Remember: no right answer.

I'm very tired, and can't even come up with a "right answer". I stayed up all night last night, and I found out the hard way that was not a good idea...

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