Hitoshi Shinsou

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| Truth or Dare |

You were hanging out with your friend, Hagakure, in her dorm room. Suddenly, she said something.

"I think someone has a crush on you, (Name)!" You were confused, and laughed.

"What? Who is it?" You asked, looking away.

"Well, you know that kid from General Studies who recently transferred to our class?" Hagakure giggled. You rolled your eyes.

"Why would he go for me, Toru?" You asked "Besides, I don't really like him..."

"Oh come on (Name)! You two would be so cute together!" Hagakure told you. You imagined you and that boy together, and quickly shook the thought out of your head. "I'm sure he's gonna confess soon." You stood up, and headed for the door.

You headed to the kitchenette, and heated up a cheddar croissant in the microwave. As you were walking to your room, you bumped into someone. You realized who it was. It was a certain 5'9 boy with purple hair, that you and Hagakure were just talking about.

"Oh, sorry about that (Name)." Despite not talking to eachother that much, you knew eachothers names. You continued walking to your room without saying a word, you realized it was kinda rude, but who cares. You got into the elevator, but then, he called out. "Hey! Could you hold the elevator?

"Oh! Sure!" But then, something happened. You felt like you weren't in control of yourself. You tried to move your arm, but you couldn't. Shinsou rushed into the elevator. Your consciousness started to fade out, and you don't really know what was happening.

When you came to, you were in your dorm room. You tried to remember what happened, but you couldn't. You looked at your alarm clock, and noticed it was past curfew.

"Damn, that late already?" You said to yourself. You got into pajamas, and tried to fall asleep.

Timeskip to after school the next day

You were back at the Dorms after a long day of school, and were sitting on the couch relaxing. Then, an energetic voice called out.

"Let's play truth or dare!" When you heard that, you sat down on the floor, with your other classmates.

It went on for a few rounds, and then... another voice spoke.

"Mind if I join?" You looked up, and it was Shinsou.

"'Course not!" Denki said, smiling. Shinsou sat down in the circle, and then spoke.

"Alright, can I go?" He asked, receiving accepting nods. "Alright. (Name), truth or dare." You hesitated for a second, and replied

"Truth...!" Shinsou sighed, and turned his face away.

"Do you like me?" He asked. You blushed and looked down, before starting to reply,

"Well, I-" Suddenly, you felt a familiar feeling. The same one as last night in the elevator. And then, you started to talk. "Yeah, I do..."

"Really? I'm so glad!" Shinsou said excitedly. "Well, do you wanna come with me for a sec? I have to tell you something private...."

"Sure." You said. But then, Denki yelled.

"C'mon Shinsou! Tell us too! This whole game is about telling private things!"

"No." Shinsou said in a firm tone. "I understand what this game is about, but this is really private." And then he dragged you away. He brought you to the bathroom, and closed the door. You could suddenly move again, and then Shinsou told you something.

"I can hold my Quirk for an impressively long time. I'll let you go for schoolwork, and I'm sorry for resorting for this, but..."

He leaned close to you.

"I don't want you to leave me."

And that was one of the last times you were in control of yourself.



Sorry if this one was kinda short,

hope you liked it though!

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