𝐼𝓏𝓊𝓀𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶

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| A Deadly Performance |

Your friend wanted to show you a, in his own words, 'cool practical effect performance' he's been working on.

You knocked on the door, only to be met with your green-haired friend.

"Oh! Hi (Name)!" He said happily. "Come in!"

You walked into the house, only to see the floors, tables, pretty much everything, were covered in newspaper.

"What uh... what's with the newspaper...?" You asked him.

"In case I get the fake blood everywhere." He explained. "You sit down, I'll be with you in a sec!"

You sat down on the newspaper covered couch, realizing that your clothes might get soaked with fake blood.

Midoriya carried in a convincing fake body with a bag on its head, and dropped it down on the table.

"I really hope this ends up looking good..." He said nervously.

"Don't worry, I bet it'll be fine!" You told him. He sighed.

"Alright... here we go..." He said.

He took out a knife, and started digging into the fake body.

Everything looked so real, it was hard to believe that it was just practical effects!

He threw the fake organs onto the floor, then continuing to cut, and pulling out more things.

"So, (Name), did you think that looked good? I'm planning on using it for something a bit more... professional." He asked you.

"Yeah, I thought it looked great! Really realistic!" You walked up to the fake body. "It looks like if I felt it, it'd feel like actual skin!" So, you touched it.

And you were right.

It felt real.

"Huh... that... that's strange." You walked over behind the table, and looked at the fake organs on the floor. Just as you were about to touch them.

"(Name), wait." Midoriya said from behind you. "I... I don't think you should do that."

"Why? It's not like they're real or anything-"

Guess what?

They were.

You yelled in fear, and Midoriya slapped his hand on your mouth, preventing you from yelling.

"I'm sorry about this, (Name). I didn't want you to find out... and..."

He paused.

He leaned close to you, and whispered...

"I can't let anyone find out about this."

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