𝒦𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊

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This is just a quick chapter I wanted to write before I went to bed!

| Poisoned |

You knew exactly how to escape.

"I'll make dinner tonight!" You said happily. You'd been making him think you were starting to love him back over the past week, just so you could complete your plan.

"Hm. Sure, It'll be fun to be surprised, I guess."

Oh you'll be surprised alright...

You made your way into the kitchen, and started making "dinner".

You weren't even hungry tonight, luckily.

That means he probably won't force you to eat it as well.

Once it was nearly completely done, you opened the cabinet under the sink.

That's when you grabbed the bleach.

Unscrewing the child lock cap, you picked up the large bottle, pouring as much as you could without it being noticeable.

You put the cap back on, and quickly put it back under the sink.

You stirred it into the food, making sure it 100% wouldn't be noticed.

You carried out the food to the kitchen table.

"Done!" You said, in a fake happy voice. "I'm not that hungry tonight, Katsuki, so you can have it! I'll be over in the living room!"

You made your way to the living room as you waited for him to eat the poisoned food.

And then, you heard it.

He abruptly got up from his seat, and ran into the bathroom.

When he came out, blood was dripping out of his mouth.

"(Y/N) WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He asked desperately.

"You probably won't last that long, so I'll tell you. I put bleach in the food. Enough to kill a person." You told him angrily. He collapsed onto the floor, dry heaving as blood poured out onto the floor.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!? CALL THE GOD DAMN HOSPITAL!!" Katsuki screamed at you. You reached your hand out to him.

"Give me the house keys first. And the car keys. I won't call otherwise." You told him, in a cold, emotionless tone. Considering his options are give you the keys, or die... he reached into his back pocket, and handed you a set of keys.

"NOW CALL 911 (Y/N)! N-NOW!" He desperately screamed.


"Why on Earth would I do that, Katsuki? After everything you've done to me...?" You asked him.

You made your way to the front door, and unlocked it with the set of keys.

You sighed, turning back to your captor, who was currently dying on the floor.

You decided to say one last thing to him.

"I hope you go to hell."

Before leaving the house, and preparing to return to your old life.

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