𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒊

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To everyone who guessed Smoke and Mirrors being the song the first part was based on...

Congratulations!  You got it right!

Here, have some cake, or something 🎂🎂🎂 (I put three cakes so everyone can grab a slice)

Anyways, I just had some good ideas for a second part to it, so yeah!

I hope it's acceptable! 

And, uh, this is another one that has a happier ending than the others, just because.

(Also there's another Todoroki chapter based on a song coming up soon :3)

| C h o o s e . P2 |

With how rich Todoroki was, he was able to completely cover up the true cause of Shinsou's death.

You didn't know what to do anymore.

At least he wasn't... completely insane...

But... you don't know if he understood that you were currently pregnant with a dead man's baby.

Should you bring it up?

Should you just let him find out?

"Hey, Todoroki?" You began. "You know how when you killed Shinsou I tried to say something, but then you cut me off by yelling that I lied to you?" You asked.

"Yeah, you told me 'and I think I might be'. I am kinda confused as to what you meant." You sighed.

"I..." You almost didn't want to tell him. "I think Shinsou got me pregnant."

"Oh." Todoroki said. "I wasn't expecting that."

"So you... aren't mad at me...?"

"No? Why would I be? I mean, I never really wanted any kids, but I'm sure you wanted it. And if you wanted it, well... I'm sure I'd be fine with having a miniature human running around the place."

"Huh. That ended better than I thought it would."

You were amazed at how nice he was to you.

He bought you whatever you wanted, he held your hair back while you threw up, and even though you could walk, he carried you wherever you wanted to go.

Who knew someone who killed your fiancé could be so... caring?

It was like he... actually loved you.

And, once you did have the kid, Todoroki proved to be a good Dad. Maybe it was because of how his own Father treated him?

"I bought Shikiru some ice cream."

"...how much...?"

"10 boxes. That being said, it's really hot outside and I need help getting all of them out of the car."

Todoroki made it clear he genuinely cared for you.

But he's still clearly crazy.

So one day, you're gonna grab Shikiru and run away.

That's your plan currently.

But who's to say your feelings won't change...?

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