𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝑨𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒅𝒐

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Requested by: VioletAlchemy

Would mermaids count as amphibians, since they can breathe on land and in the water?

Also, here's some fun news, I kinda fainted today. Only for like, a minute though. I stood up from the couch, got a head rush, fell back down on the couch, and then I just couldn't see or hear anything.

It was weird.

| Ice Cream |


"Well, this helps." Mina pulled a card out of the pockets on her shorts, her driver's license. "Whoops, wrong license." She said, sounding disappointed in herself. "Point is, sir, I'm a Hero. Name's Pinky, and you picked the wrong day to harass my friend here." She explained. "Not that there's ever a right day to harass someone..."

You laughed a bit.

"Thank you..." you said to her.

That night, you got a knock on your door.

"(Y/N) (L/N), I'm a Hero, I have legal permission to search your apartment, and you have to let me in, or-"

"I know it's you, Mina."

"Aw, really?" She asked. "Damn. I thought for sure I'd get you this time!"

"You do the same thing every time you come over."

"Yeah good point."

There was a silence.

Neither of you said anything.

"So can I come in?"


"So (Y/N)... I'm really worried this'll keep happening to you." Mina said, sounding scared.

"What are you worried will keep happening to me?"

"You know... what happened earlier... you being harassed? I'm scared that'll happen again, or... maybe something worse..." She told you, sadly.

"Oh, well, it's nice that you're concerned for me, Mina." You said, sweetly.

"By the way, I've been trying to follow along with this show you're watching, but I just can't understand it. What's happening...?" She asked you.

"Oh, well, you see that kid with the stupid-looking hair? He can basically summon a physical version of his soul, which appears as a kind of ghost thing." You explained.

"Hm. Sounds bizarre."

"It is. But in order for you to understand, we have to go all the way back to the 1800s!" You said. "Wanna watch it with me?"


As you started the show from the beginning again, Mina got up.

"You have ice cream in your freezer, right (Y/N)?" Mina asked from your kitchen.


"Awesome! I'll get some for us!" Mina said happily.

Mina eventually came bad with two bowls of ice cream for the two of you.

"Thank you, Mina!" You told her.

"Yeah, no problem!"

As you finished your ice cream, you suddenly felt really tired.

"Ooohh... Mina I'm really sleepy... mind if I collapse... onto... you...?" You asked, collapsing before she could respond.

When you woke up again, you were lying on a couch.

Mina was gone though.

You got up, stretching a bit, and walking around.

"Where the hell am I...?" You asked yourself, your words slurring together. "This isn't my apartment..."

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" You heard someone say.


"Yes! It's me!"

"Where... where are we...?"

"I... I don't have to tell you that..." She told you, sounding guilty.

"Alright. If you're not going to tell you where I am... then can you at least tell me why I'm here?"

"Well... I was scared that you'd be harassed again, or even r..." she stopped. Like she couldn't say it. "Y-you know... so... I took you here."

"Why though?"

"I wanted to protect you from all the weirdos out there, (Y/N)... I just want to make sure you're safe..." Mina said, blushing slightly.

"I-if you're scared you won't have anything fun to do here, I have a whole bunch of movies and video games, some board games, a ton of books, and the DVD set of that show you were watching." She explained. "Before you ask, I stole the DVD set from your apartment. Wanna keep watching it?"

"M-Mina, you're acting like this is normal!" You said nervously.

"Ok but do you want to watch the show with me?"


"Yeah, why not."

The two of you did end up having the conversation about how none of this is normal later, but... even though you wanted to leave...

You did understand Mina's point.

She was an amazing friend, cared deeply about you, and as she revealed, even had feelings for you.

She just wanted to make sure you were safe.

And Mina was right, she had a whole bunch of games, movies, and books.

Even if you were stuck here, at least you had things to do, and at least you were stuck with Mina.

It won't be that bad.


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