𝔻𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚 𝕂𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚

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Your life... wasn't going too well at this point. For one, they stopped selling your favourite kind of ice cream at your local store. For two, a bit more high stakes, your boyfriend had kidnapped you.

You woke up in the same bed you had been for the past five months. You got up from bed, and walked out of the room. You didn't care enough to put real clothes on, your pajamas were enough. No one else was going to see you anyways, so why bother.

"Mornin' Denki." You said to him as you walked into the kitchen.

"O-oh! Good morning, (Name)! You're up early!" Denki said happily. There was an awkward silence, besides the sound of... whatever Denki was making.

"So..... what're you making?" You asked him, he looked shocked for a second, before looking back at the counter.

"Nothing, really, it's just some tea.." He said to you, as if it were obvious. It wasn't, really. You could use a kettle of boiling hot water for a lot of things! "It'll be done in a minute, if you want any!" He added. You thought for a second, and then replied.

"Yeah, that sounds nice." You responded. After that, you went over to the pantry, and grabbed some cereal. You poured it in a bowl, then you poured the milk in, and walked over to the living room.

You put the bowl down on the coffee table, and turned on the TV. You didn't have a phone, or a tablet, or a computer, or anywhere you could call for help or tell people you're ok. Well, at least there were video games and TV...

For a change, you decided to watch the news. Usually, you just watched movies, but you had already watched all of the movies that he kept in the house. You grabbed the remote, and started flipping through the channels, until you found the news.

You were from a rich family, so you should've been less surprised about this, but what you saw on the screen shocked you.

People were looking for you.

The news headline that you saw on the screen gave you hope. It gave you hope that you could be freed.

Youngest child of the (Last Name) family missing, search ongoing

The news reporter started talking, describing your features, how old you were, your height, your weight, everything that could show people that you were the missing girl.

"Oh! What're you watching, (Name)?" When you heard that, you turned off the TV as quick as you could.

"Nothing, really, just... looking for something to watch..." You told him. He could tell you were lying, but it was better than him finding out what you were truly watching.

"Are you sure?" He asked. You felt a tightness in your throat, and responded honestly.

"No.. I actually wasn't." You don't know why you told him that, there was just... something about the way he said it to you. He'd said things like that before, specifically when he knew you were lying, and wanted to know the truth. You didn't know how that voice of his was able to drag the truth out of you. "I was watching the weather."

"Alright! Well, here's your tea!" He said, placing the mug on the coffee table in front of you. You laughed a bit, and thanked him, you felt a bit calmer, happy that he didn't push harder to find out what you were watching.

You knew what you were going to do that night.

You decided that you were going to escape.

That you were going to be free.

That night, when you were sure Denki was asleep, you quietly made your way downstairs. You opened the back door as quietly as you possibly could. You closed the door quietly too, and made your way to the back fence. It was just made of wood, so what you were planning wouldn't be too hard.

You were going to climb it.

As you started to climb, you felt a hand grab the side of your chest, and immediately felt a large pain right where they grabbed.

Then, in no time flat, you lost consciousness.

When you woke up, your arm seemed to be broken, Denki was angry at you, and you knew.

You knew








I don't know how to describe what I'm feeling right now. The best way I can describe it is if the Infinite Staircase music from Mario 64 was an emotion.

Also, I've been playing all my old DS games that I have, and let me say this. Monster Racers for the Nintendo DS is an amazing game, and I'm sad about how fuckin' obscure it is.

Like, you search up "Monster Racers" and there's barely any results relating to the game :(

So, I have a proposition. I think Monster Racers deserves to be popular. Yeah, sure, it's similar to Pokemon, but it's super different too! Just wanted to say.

That's all for now, bye!

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