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I am going to search up "Boobs" on Google.

| The Bite |

Todoroki came stumbling through into the dorms one night, applying pressure to his neck, and looking as if he were in pain.

"What's wrong, Todoroki?!" You asked him.

"Nothing, really, I was attacked." He casually said, trying to hide his pain.

"W-what?! Are you ok?!"

"Not really, but I'm fine." He told you.

"So what happened?" You continued asking.

"Well, someone jumped out of the bushes while I was walking, and they bit me. It was weird, but I think I'm fine." He told you, briefly taking his hand off his neck.

It was absolutely covered in blood, and you could just barely see two tiny puncture wounds on the side of his neck.

He covered it again before you could ask anything, and ran off to his room.

You grabbed some paper towels, running them under cold water.

You made your way to his room, and knocked on his door.

"Todoroki, can I come in...?" You asked.


You opened the door, and saw him sitting there, looking at the blood on his hand.

"Here. I can get the blood off." You said, pulling out the wet paper towels. You started wiping the partially dried blood off of his hand, until the blood was completely gone, and only on the towels.

"Thank you (Y/N). You can go now..." He told you.

"But there's still blood on your neck!" You said.

"O-oh, that's not nec-"

You took the towel to his neck, and started rubbing the wet towels on it.

Once it was clean, you were able to see the wounds more clearly.

You were right about them being two small puncture wounds.

"(Y/N)..." Todoroki began. "I know how strange this sounds, but... your skin... or maybe whatever's inside it... it smells amazing." He told you, his breathing getting heavier. "And thank you for cleaning the blood." You smiled, and left the room.

The next day, strange things started happening.

Like Todoroki getting a sunburn in the middle of training.

"A-are you ok Todoroki?" You asked him. "Your skin is peeling."

"Yes, I'm fine..." He told you. He encased the sunburnt part of him in ice, and gave you an expression that said 'there, fixed it.'

Things kept getting weirder as the days went on.

His skin seemed to get more sensitive to the sun, until it physically hurt him to go outside.

His canine teeth seemed larger, and sharper than normal.

And the wounds on his neck hadn't healed over yet.

And another weird thing that happened...

You happened to get a cut on your shoulder while you were hanging out with Todoroki.

"Are you ok, (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts a bit..." You told him. Todoroki walked closer to you, and...

Kissed your cut??

He opened his mouth, and started licking the cut as well.

"T-Todoroki, what are you-?"

Before you could ask what was going on, he started sucking on your wound.

You tapped him on the head, and he lifted his head up, seeming to realize what he was doing.

"I-I'm so sorry (Y/N)... I don't know what's been going on with me recently... but I do have to say, your blood tasted amazing." He told you.

"S-so what's happening with you?"

"I have no idea what's happening, (Y/N)... I got a cut the other day, and it healed over almost instantly. I can't go out in the sun anymore. I feel this... hunger... I don't know what it is, it doesn't go away when I eat... I think I want blood." He started explaining.

"Hm. Sounds to me you're turning into a vampire." You told him.

"No, that's impossible, (Y/N). Vampires don't exist." Todoroki told you. "N-now, please... please leave. I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."

You nodded, and left the room.

Two months passed, and Todoroki hadn't come out of his room yet.

You knocked on the door.

"Todoroki...? Are you ok...?" You cautiously asked, opening the door.

"Yes, I'm fine..."

You slowly walked in the room, closing the door behind you, as Todoroki looked at you longingly.

"Thank you for visiting me, (Y/N)..." He told you. He walked close to you, and grabbed you, a contented sigh coming from deep within him.

"So you're ok, right? You haven't come out of your room in two months..."

"Oh, I'm fine... now please try not to struggle."


Todoroki bit into your neck.

When he was done, you fell to the ground in pain, holding the wound on your neck.

Todoroki kneeled down, and whispered to you

"I'm sorry... I just couldn't resist."

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