𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦

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The Halloween AU again :)

| Full Moon |

You looked up slightly, gazing into his crimson eyes.

He placed his hand below your chin, tightening his grip and making you bleed.

Tears fell down your face as he leaned in and...




You woke up.

You rubbed your eyes, and looked out the window at the grey-ish sky of the morning. Someone with bright red hair burst into the room entusiastically.

"MORNING (NAME)!" He yelled happily. For the past few days, you'd been staying with him, he was a good friend of yours, named Kirishima.

"Hey Kiri." You said, greeting him sleepily. "I had that weird dream again..." You admitted.

"What? Again?" He asked in disbelief. "Y'know, my aunt told me a story where, when she was younger, she also kept having the same dream over and over. She told me that her solution was to write down what happened in the dream, and then trow the paper in a lake! She says she never had the dream again." He explained with confidence. "I admit, my aunt wasn't the most... sane person, but it's worth a try!"

"I guess." You muttered. The two of you ran down the stairs, grabbing some breakfast, and then running back up to the guest bedroom you were staying in.

As the two of you ate your breakfast, you began to write.

Once you were done, Kirishima inisted on looking it over.

"A blonde boy with wolf ears? And a tail? You dreamt about a sexy teenage Werewolf?"

"Shut up!" You yelled, embarrassed, because that's eaxactly what you dreamt about, and no matter how you explained it, nothing could change the truth. He laughed innocently, handing back your paper. "A-anyways, now that I'm done writing, shouldn't we head to the nearest lake?" You asked, blushing.

"Nope! I don't have a map through the forest, so I think we should go to the shops first!" He exclaimed.

"Alright." You sighed. The two of you left the house together, and headed to the shops to buy a map.

You found somewhere that did sell maps, but they were sold out of maps of the forest.

"Eh, I'm sure we'll find the lake no problem!" Kirishima announced, dragging you into the forest with him.

No guide whatsoever, the two of you had to rely on pure luck.

"Isn't there supposed to be a big rock 2 metres from the lake?" Kirishima asked you.

"No, you're thinking of a different lake. I'm pretty sure we should've tried harder to find a map..." You said, annoyed.

"Oh." He spoke.

The two of you continued walking through the forest together, trying as hard as you could to find the lake.

"Do you know what the lake looks like, (Name)?"

"I thought you did...!"

"Oh. Well then, we're fucked."

By the time the sun started to set, you were about to give up on looking for the lake.


"Hey, (Name) is that... d-do you see water?" Kirishima asked you.


"Aw yeah! We found it!" He yelled happily. "I'm so grateful.... my legs are killing me right now..."

You walked into the lake, grabbing the paper from your pocket. You read the paper, making sure it was the right note. And then, taking a deep breath, you dropped it into the water.

Ignoring physics, the paper immidiately sank to the bottom of the lake.

You looked over to where Kirishima had been standing, only tofind him nowlying down in the lake.

"Get up..." You said.

"No... I'm letting the water consume me..." He said, words slurring together. "Ooh this actually feels nice..."

Eventually, you were able to get him out of the water, and you two headed home.

By the time you started your walk home, the sun had completely set.

"Ah, don't worry, I have... a LANTERN!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Sick." You said, smiling. Kirishima lit his lantern, and the two of you walked home together.

There wasn't much to do, so the two of you just talked.

"Oh! It's a full moon tonight!" Kirishima noted. "Maybe we'll get to see that werewolf you were dreaming about~?"

"That... that'd be terrifying." You told him.

"You're right."

Hurrying home, you swore you heard something...

Something like a... wolf's howl.

And... you couldn't help but feel that something followed you.



This here will have a part 2.


I'd finish it in this chapter, but I just don't want to.

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