𝐼𝓏𝓊𝓀𝓊 𝑀𝒾𝒹𝑜𝓇𝒾𝓎𝒶

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I listened to a song that I used to listen to (almost on the regular) when I was... 13, maybe younger...

Anyways, still holds up in my opinion, and I was a bit inspired to make a chapter by it.

If you pay attention to what happens, you'll probably be able to tell what song I'm talking about. (Given you've heard it before)

| Extreme Obsession |

If you had listened to his hints, maybe you wouldn't be in this situation...

"(Y/N), do you have a minute?" He asked.

"Yep. What is it?" You asked in response.

"Well, I've started to have feelings... for one of my classmates..." Midorya explained.

"Really? Well, I think you should just go tell them!"

"What?! No, I can't do that! Because... it's not just love... it's like... an obsession. I've memorized everything about them... and I'm scared of saying the wrong thing, and them thinking I'm, like, a stalker or something." He told you.

"Well, just... just say 'I love you'. If you get rejected, you get rejected! I'm sure you'll find someone better if you do get rejected!" You told him happily.

"But (Y/N)! I don't think I can handle finding out they don't like me back!" He told you, desperately. 

"Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Alright... I'll tell them." He said. "Tomorrow." He added at the end.

And then the next day...

There was a surprise for you.

"(Y/N)!" Midoriya yelled, running to you.

"Oh, hey Midoriya! Did you tell your crush yet?" You asked him.

"No... not yet. But I'm just about to!" He said, smiling happily. "And, that being said..." he sighed. "(Y/N)... I love you."

"Oh! Wait! I-it was... me?! You're... in love with me of all people?" You asked in complete shock.

"Yes... I am." He said.

"I really appreciate it Midoriya, but... I just need some time to think about it." You explained.

"Oh. So it's a no..."

"What? No, I said I need time to think!"

"It's going to end in a no though...!" He told you, starting to cry and running off.

"Midoriya wait-!" You yelled, but it was too late. You sighed. He'll be over it tomorrow when you make up your mind.

That night, as you were sitting at home, playing game...

Someone rang the doorbell.

They kept pressing it.

They didn't stop ringing, until... they did.

You looked over at the window, to see if you could see them.

They were pressed right up against the window.

As they breathed in and out, you could see the fog on the window shrink and grow repeatedly.

They slammed their hand against the window.

As you focused your eyes on the person in the darkness, you were able to recognize various features.

Round green eyes...

Some freckles on their cheeks...

Dark green hair...

You knew who it was.

Your eyes were locked on him... you couldn't look away.

There was a strange feeling.

It was like you thought he was dangerous.

You saw him smile evilly, and pound on the window harder.

You got up from the couch, and ran to your room.

You locked it from the inside, and looked around.

You heard glass shatter outside your room.

He's inside now.

You were so scared. Why was he doing this?

He did say he might not be able to handle finding out that his crush didn't like him back... and even though you didn't directly say you didn't like him, that's definitely what he heard...

What was he going to do when he found you?

Would he kill you?

Then, he knocked on your door.

"(Y/N)... I'm coming in..."

Panicking, you threw open  your closet, and threw yourself in there.

Strangely enough, you felt as if this exact situation had happened to you before... hiding from someone who broke into your house by hiding inside your closet...

Oh well, it's probably nothing.

You were terrified at this point.

You steadied your breathing, trying to stay quiet.

The door opened.

"Why'd you lock me out, (Y/N)...?" You heard him ask. "Whatever the reason, it didn't work. I was able to unlock it with a butter knife. Impressive, huh...?" He asked. You placed your hand over you mouth, trying not to make any sounds. "Now..."

"Where are you?"

"I can hear you breathing, (Y/N)... I know you're in here."

From the gap between the doors of the closet, you saw him looking around your room.

"You're not under the bed... so where are you?" He asked. You... didn't think he'd give up that fast. "Wait..." he laughed. "How didn't I guess! I know exactly where you are (Y/N)!"

No he doesn't, he's just bluffing to make you nervous.

"You're in the closet, aren't you?"

Oh fuck.

He opened the closet.

A feeling of horror washed over you as your eyes met, and he told you

"You aren't very good at hiding, (Y/N)...!"

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