𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔰𝔲𝔨𝔦 𝔅𝔞𝔨𝔲𝔤𝔬𝔲

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I saw some people wanting a continuation to this one, so I thought "yeah, why the fuck not?"

Again, tw for: (I still don't know how to describe this, so I'll just go with what I called it last time) weird sexual torture mansion, vomiting

I don't know if I had to put that last one, but I remember hearing that some people are really uncomfortable with that, so I put it just in case... because my goal with this book isn't to make people uncomfortable, I just want to write something people can enjoy!

| Part Of His Collection P2 |

It's been a month already.

Oh, how time flies when you're trapped inside...

You were awoken by a door creaking open in the middle of the night.

It would probably be better to feign sleep.

But you were able to hear two people whispering to each other.


"Shhh... we don't want to wake the others..."

"We have to get you some medicine! That wound's gonna get infected!"

"... I can live with that, Izuku. Plus, if it gets infected, it might kill me, and that would be good... I don't think there's any other way to escape this place."

There was a pause.

"Well... r-regardless, I'm just glad you're ok, Shouto..."

You heard Izuku start crying.

"I don't think I'm ok anymore, but... thank you."

After that, you just went back to sleep.

When you woke up, you just assumed it was a dream, or maybe you were starting to hear voices.

But when you opened your eyes, you realized... what you heard last night was real.

You saw someone you'd never seen before sitting on Izuku's bed.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." Hitoshi said as he hit you on the top of the head.

"You're one to talk..." you said in annoyance.

"Nah, there's a difference. You sleep in, I just never sleep."

"Well, who's that?" You asked, pointing towards the someone you'd never seen before.

"My name is Shouto." He said. "I'm going to assume you're new here, and are still clinging to the hope that you can escape. Sadly, you can't." He informed you.

"B-but Shouto! You... you were the one who told us we can try, remember?" Eijiro suddenly chimed in.

"That was before. After that I realized... it's pointless. We're not going to escape. All we can do now is... give up."

"DON'T SAY SHIT LIKE THAT!" Eijiro suddenly yelled. He also... punched Shouto in the face. He grabbed onto his shirt, and punched him a second time. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHOUTO WHO TOLD US HE WANTED TO SEE HIS MOTHER AND SIBLINGS AGAIN?!" Another punch in the face. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHOUTO WHO TOLD US WE CAN ESCAPE?!" Another punch. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE SHOUTO WHO TOLD US THERE'S HOPE?! THAT WE WON'T DIE HERE?! THAT EVERYTHING'S GOING TO END OK?!" He punched Shouto once again, and let go of Shouto's shirt, using that hand to wipe his eyes. "What happened to him...?"

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