𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓊𝓉𝑜 𝒯𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓇𝑜𝓀𝒾

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Requested by shotosfifthweenie2

| A Quiet Boy's Issues |

Shouto Todoroki was a boy who recently transferred to your school.

He had hair that was white on the right side, and red on the left side. He also always covered the left eye with bandages.

He rarely talked to people, and when he did, he was actually prone to lashing out.

Everyone in the class seemed to avoid him...

But today, you decided to talk to him.

"Todoroki...?" You asked. He was resting his head in his arms, and his eyes looked up at you. "I was kind of wondering if you'd..." You paused, taking a breath. "Like to walk home with me, or something...?"

"I..." He paused, as if he didn't know what to say, before completely hiding his face in his arms, and telling you in a muffled voice "I'd like that..."

You closed your eyes, laughing slightly.

"I look forward to it!" You told him.

And so, after school, you found him.

"Todoroki!" You called. He looked your way, his eyes lighting up in excitement. He grabbed his bag from beside his desk, and started walking over to you. And then...

"Oh, so Mr. 'Never Talks To Anyone' over here has a girlfriend now? News to me." The person said. It was the school's resident bitch boy, Kaito Tetsumura, who was somehow your boyfriend. "And (Name)'s cheating on me! I would have never expected that to happen..." He said sarcastically. You laughed nervously, and said

"Shut up Tetsumura...!" You told him awkwardly.

"She... she's not my-" Todoroki tried to say something, but was interrupted.

"Shut your face, you walking pile of daddy issues." Tetsumura told him. Todoroki quieted down after that.

"That was uncalled for Te-" You also tried to say something, but you were slapped across the face as he yelled at you to stay out of it.

In shock, you raised a hand to your cheek, wondering if that had really just happened.

As your eyes welled up with tears, you ran out of the classroom.

You sat outside the school, hugging your bag, using it to hide your face as you cried.

You tried to calm yourself down, and eventually walked back into the school, trying to find the classroom you had left.

And when you did find it again, a surprising sight awaited you.

Tetsumura was lying on the floor, and Todoroki was continuously kicking him in the stomach.


"Todoroki!" You said firmly. He turned to look at you, seemingly realizing what he was doing. He slowly walked backwards, grabbed his bag from off the floor, and then ran out of the classroom similarly to you.

You quickly followed after him.

"Todoroki are you-" You tried to ask him if he was ok, but he interrupted.

"I'm sorry (Name)... I don't know why I did that, it just sort of... happened..." He said sadly. "I-!" He tried to say something, but started crying. Todoroki hugged you tightly, and started screaming into your shoulder as your uniform became wet with his tears.

It was one of those ugly cries too, the type of crying you only do when you're alone.

"H-hey, calm down!" You told him, not knowing what else to say. "I know you tend to lash out like that, so it's not really your fault... I think." You told him. He lifted his head up, tears staining his face.

"It... it's not...?" He said between his tears. He wiped his eyes, and sighed, before telling you "I think..." He paused to collect himself. "I think there's something wrong with me, (Name)..." He admitted to you. "I know you don't really know me, I know that you just wanted to be a nice person, and walk me home since I don't have any friends, but... you're the only person I can talk to about this..."

"Why? Can't you tell your parents?" You asked him, confused.

"No... I can't... my Mom's in the hospital, my Dad beats me, and my siblings are too busy with their adult lives for me..." Todoroki told you.

"Oh geez..." You said, not knowing what else to say. "That... um... that sucks."

"I'm sorry you had to see that side of me." Todoroki told you. "Let's just walk home now."

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