𝒦𝒶𝓉𝓈𝓊𝓀𝒾 𝐵𝒶𝓀𝓊𝑔𝑜𝓊

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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

Ok. I saw this one, and I just couldn't not do it!

Also, my Mom wants to see my grades in History, and will probably ground me when she does, so if I don't post for a while, that's why.

| Remember |

"I'm looking for a friend of mine. Last name Bakugou, first name Katsuki? Is he here?" You asked the lady at the reception desk.

She told you the room he was in, and you immediately rushed to the elevator.

The two of you had been on patrol, when the two of you were attacked.

You couldn't believe it, honestly. The two of you were just out of high school, and he'd already landed himself in the hospital.

You opened the door, and saw he was awake.

"Oh thank god you're ok..." You said relieved.

"Huh? I appreciate you being glad I'm ok, but... who are you...?"

"You know who I am, Bakugou!" You told him, convinced he was pretending just to scare you.

"Who's Bakugou?" He asked. "Is that my name?"

"O-of course it is...!" You said, starting to get concerned. "Did you... forget your name...?"

"I... I think I did? I don't remember anything..." He told you, actually sounding scared.

"Really? Come on, there's no way you don't remember the time you knocked me out because I asked if your balls smelled like caramel."

"Ok, one, that's disgusting and why would you ever ask someone that... and two, I did that? I'm really sorry."

Wow. Bakugou was apologizing to you?

That's new.

"Hey, I guess that means you probably don't remember my name, huh?" You asked. "It's (Y/N) (L/N). But you usually just call me 'dumb bitch'."

"Hm. Well, it's nice to meet you, (Y/N), even though I've apparently met you before!" He said to you, sweetly. What the fuck was this? He was smiling? It was almost like you'd traveled to a different universe.

He was allowed to leave fairly early, as his injuries weren't that serious.

You brought him back to your house, just for the time being.

"Alright, Bakugou, my phone number's on a sticky not next to the phone. If something happens, just call me." You told him.


You had been called to question the attacker, why they did what they did, as they were fairly young.

So you made your way there, and talked to them.

They refused to say why they'd done it, but they did tell you about Bakugou's apparent memory loss.

"I have a Quick called Memory. If someone gets hit with it, they'll lose their memory for at most two weeks."

"Ah, that explains it." You said. Then, your phone started ringing. "Sorry, I'll just be a moment."

Oh god what was happening back home?

It can't be anything good.

"I need you back, now (Y/N)..." You heard him say quietly. Then he hung up.

You stepped back into the room, saying

"Apologies guys, I gotta go."

And then you rushed back home.

"What is it? What haplened?" You asked, concerned.

"I missed you."

This is going to be a rough two weeks...

You didn't have an extra bedroom in your house, which means...

Oh god the two of you have to sleep in one bed.

But it... wasn't actually as awkward as you'd thought it'd be.

When you woke up, however...

You felt something heavy on top of you, forcing the air out of your chest.

As your eyes adjusted to the bright morning light, you realized what that heavy something was.

Bakugou was lying on top of you.

What do you do?

How do you not wake him up?

You tried to move without waking him, but to no avail.

His eyes sleepily opened.

"Morning." You told him. "Well, now that you're awake!"

You got out from under him.

"I'll be downstairs!" You said, happily.

"Oh right. Todoroki said he was coming over today to check on his "best friend"." You told yourself, remembering what he said.

The days went on as normal, and Todoroki informed you that he'd come over every day... for whatever reason.

"I feel like you're hanging out with Todoroki too much." Bakugou suddenly told you one day.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, it's just a... weird feeling I have."

"Well, I'm sure that weird feeling'll just... go away!"

On the last Friday, he approached you.

"(Y/N)... I need to tell you something."

"Oh?" You asked. "What is it?"

"I love you."

You laughed happily.

"I'd like to say yes, but... you're just saying that because you don't remember what's happened between us."


"I'm sure this won't matter at all tomorrow."

"Alright then, I'll make you a deal!" He said. "If I still feel the same tomorrow, then you have to accept my confession."

"Hm... alright." You agreed.

On Saturday... he approached you again.

"Oi, (Y/N), remember yesterday?" Bakugou asked you.


"Remember how I told you that if I still feel the same, that you have to accept my confession?"

"Y-yeah... of course I do..."

"Well... you have a boyfriend now."

You were so shocked, you didn't even  notice the bloody knife he was hiding behind his back, that he had used to kill the boy you were "spending too much time with"

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