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Requested by: yessir_zxx

Hey guys, I may have started... um... how do you say... listening to yandere x listener videos again? I don't know how it happened, I swear! ...That being said, if you've listened to some too and found any particularly good ones with Momo, Kami, Uraraka, Kiri, Mina,etc... please tell me the names of the videos, quarentine has really gotten to me.

Tw for self harm today.

Like, directly written about, not just mentioned/implied like other times.

And right at the start.

So if you're not comfortable reading that, please don't read this one...

| Scars |

He's gone.

He'll leave you alone in your room for a few hours.

You opened the drawer, moved some of your clothes out of the way, and grabbed the knife you had hidden under your clothes.

You rolled up your sleeve, and brought the knife to your arm.

You dug it into your skin, sucking air in through your teeth as you did so.

Then, you did it again.

As you sliced open your arm one more time, the door to your room opened.

"(Y/N), I forgot to tell you something. I-"

Overhaul had not only seen your scars, but also just saw you cutting yourself.

It's... fine, though... he won't care.

He doesn't actually care about you.

"(Y/N), explain yourself." He said, in his cold voice.

"I don't have to tell you, even if I do, you won't care-"

"I SAID EXPLAIN YOURSELF, (Y/N)!!" He screamed at you. You yelped and dropped the knife on the floor. You just made him angry, your fate is basically sealed. You backed up, and got onto your bed.

"W-well, I... I was... I-I was... cutting myself, Overhaul..." you confessed.

"Oh, I had thought that the knife you'd hid was meant for me, not for you, dearie~..."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" You yelled. You hated that word coming from him. He walked over to your bed.

And then he hugged you.

In his slightly muffled voice, you heard him tell you

"I'll never stop calling you that, dearie~ you told me how much you'd love your partner to call you that, remember?" He asked you.

"I don't love you though! W-we aren't together! You've ruined my life!" You yelled, tears forming in your eyes. "When I escape you-"

"If you escape me." He told you. "Now (Y/N)..." He pulled away from you. "Show me your arm." Overhaul then took one of his white gloves off.


"I said show me your arm, (Y/N)."


"That's it."

He grabbed your arm, and pulled it away from you.

He admired it.

"I don't know why'd you do this to yourself, (Y/N)..." He dragged his non-gloved hand against your (currently bloody) arm. "Now, I have to fix you... you know what that means..."

You did. You knew exactly what him 'fixing you' meant.

You tried to pull your arm away, but before you could, it disappeared.

You screamed in pain as he recreated your arm.

"There we go, (Y/N)... good as new." He told you, caressing your face with his gloved hand. He wiped the tears from your eyes, and stood up.

"(Y/N)... never do that again." He told you. "If you do, I'll just destroy that arm again. Maybe I'll completely recreate you, just without your dominant hand." He explained. "Now... promise you won't do that again, (Y/N)."

"I... I p-promise..." you hesitantly responded. You didn't know if you wouldn't again, but he... scared you.

"Good. Now go put some good clothes on, we're going out today, dearie. Remember to not say anything about what I'm doing to you. You know what will happen if you do, right?"

"You'll recreate me... with no voice... and claim I was born mute."

"Good job remembering my threats, (Y/N). And just know that I'm taking you outside because I love you. I know how risky it might be, but, just because I love you, we're going to be going outside more often."

"You... love me...?" You asked, doubtfully.

"Of course I do. And I know that you love me back."

"But I-"

"I said I know you love me back, (Y/N). Now tell me that you love me."


"I... I love you, Overhaul..."



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