𝕂𝕒𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕜𝕚 𝔹𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕘𝕠𝕦

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| Full Moon P2 |

"I can't believe that took us all day..." You said, exhausted.

"Yeah... Well, now we can watch movies!" Kirishima said happily.

"You can watch movies, I'm feeling-" You yawned in the middle of your sentence. "-a lot more tired than usual..."

"Alright! Have a good time not dreaming about your imaginary werewolf boyfriend!" He said mockingly. You rolled your eyes, and walked back upstairs to your guest room.

After about an hour of trying to fall asleep, you heard glass shatter downstairs, and panicked footsteps running up the stairs. Then, similar to what happened this morning, Kirishima burst into your room.

Though, he looked a lot less happy. In fact, he looked absolutely terrified. And, there was a chunk of glass stuck in his arm.

"(NAME), HELP ME MOVE THE DRESSER...!" He yelled. You could sense the urgency in his voice, so, you got up from the bed, and helped Kiri move the dresser in front of the door.

"Kiri what happened?!" You asked him in a panic.

"Funny story actually, you remember that dream you've been having? The one about the sexy blonde teenage werewolf?" He asked you.

"I never said he was sexy-"

"It was heavily implied. Anyways, your imaginary boyfriend might not be so imaginary, and he may-or-may-not already be in the house."

"What?" You asked. "There's no way it-"

You heard something outside the door.

"What was that...?" You asked. There was a small pause, and Kiri quietly answered


"No..." You said, backing away from the door. "No, that's not right... w-werewolves don't exist!"

"Oh, sure. Vampires and witches and ghosts, yeah, they all exist, but werewolves don't?" Kirishima sarcastically asked.

"Yeah, good point." You admitted.

"And... (Name), I just want to tell you... if you're dreaming right now, now would be a great time to wake up." He told you.

"I sure would like to..." You said to yourself. You yanked the medium-sized piece of glass out of Kiri's arm.

"WHAT THE HELL (NAME)?!" He yelled in pain.

"Grabbing a weapon. Since, just between you and me, if whatever's out there is a werewolf, I don't think that dresser's gonna hold it back." You said to him.

The doorhandle jiggled.

Then, it was clear whatever was out there wanted to come in.

Something started scratching against the door.

And eventually...

The door broke.

"Hi there..."

It spoke in an angry-sounding voice, though it was saying the most calm thing.

It had large fangs, giant claws, a tail, two wolf-like ears, blonde hair, and crimson eyes.

It was the boy you'd been dreaming about.

"Who are you." You demanded nervously.

"You know who I am, (Name)." He said to you.

"I-I don't though..."

"Well, even if you don't know my name, I certainly know yours. I've actually had this issue recently, I've only been having one dream." He explained.

"Oh!" Kirishima exclaimed. "You know, my aunt told me a solution for that! You ju-"

"Kiri. Not the time."


"Listen, (Name)... I think it'd be better for all of us if you... cooperate."

"H-huh? What do you mean 'cooperate'? Whatever you mean by it though, I'm not going to." You said nervously. holding your hands behind your back, you secretly handed the shard of glass to Kirishima. His eye darted to look at you, confused for a second, before something clicked in his head. "And, if you want me to cooperate with you, shouldn't you tell me your name first?" You asked.

"I mean, I guess that's... reasonable." He spoke. He walked towards you, you stumbling backwards in fear, on the verge of tears.

This continued until you couldn't move backwards anymore.

"My name... is Bakugou."

Kirishima had waited for the perfect time. Whild Bakugou was preocupied with you, Kiri ran up, and shoved the piece of glass into the back of his neck.

As he cried out in pain, Kirishima trued his best, and through him out the window.

You knew what happened, as you heard his body hit the ground.

You breathed a sigh of relief, and dropped to your knees.

"Hey, (Name), you ok?"Kirishima asked you.

"Y-yeah... I think so, at least..."

You didn't know if you'd ever have a good sleep again.

Since, when you looked outthe window, Bakugou's body seemed to have... disappeared.

And you couldn't help but wonder...

World he come for you in your dreaams again?

Or would he...

Actually come for you...?




Sorry if this was a disappointing ending,

I'm really tired right now, this is the best I could do.

Have a good night! Or day!

I'm gonna snooze now.

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