𝑰𝒛𝒖𝒌𝒖 𝑴𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒚𝒂

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Requested by: Gloomy_Nomad

I guess I'm just slowly turning into my 12 year old self again, because I've been listening to all the edgy songs I used to like. ...and also FNAF songs. (Specifically Got No Time, It's Been So Long, Left Behind, and I Can't Fix You)

| Reawakening |

"(Y/N)!" You heard a voice call. You turned around, and smiled as you saw him.

"Hey Izuku."

"I just... I know you're moving today, so I just wanted to come by and say my final farewell..." he told you, sadly.

"You say that like I'm dying!" You told him. "Listen, it's not that bad, I'm sure we'll see each other again at  some point!"

"But we don't know that we will! I don't know if I'll ever see you again, (Y/N)..." He wrapped his arms around you. "Come on... why'd you have to leave right before high school...? We promised we'd go to the same school... and help each other study... and that we'd be the best Hero team this country's ever seen..."

"I know, and it sucks that we can't do that." You admitted.

"Please don't leave me..." he whispered. "I don't know if I'll be able to live without you, (Y/N)..."

"Yes you will!" You said, confidently. He looked up at you, trying to hold back his tears. "Hey, how about we make another promise? Promise me you'll be the best Hero the world has ever seen!" You told him. "I don't know if I even want to be a Hero anymore, but I know you you do, so... promise me that, ok?"

He wiped his eyes, before telling you

"I promise!" You smiled. "But now you have to promise me something, (Y/N)... promise you won't forget me, no matter what happens."

"Of course I won't forget you!" You told him.

"That's good... well... until we meet again, (Y/N)!" He told you, smiling.

"Hopefully soon! A-and good luck with UA!"

That was the last time you saw him.

At least...

Until 10 years later.

You bumped into someone.

You both looked at each other.

"(Y/N)...?" He slowly asked.

"Wait..." just hearing his voice brought so many memories rushing back to you. "Izuku?"

You hugged each other tightly.

"(Y/N)... I'll never let you go again..."


"Nothing, don't worry about it..."

"So, how's your life been going?" You asked him.

"Well... why don't I just show you?" He asked you, happily.

He showed you the way to his place.

"Well, it definitely looks nice!" You told him. He laughed.

"Oh! I have three friends who'd love to meet you! I've told them so much about you! Then we can go back to my place, I can show you around, then the next day, we go to your place, and you show me around, and-"

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