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Ok, wow, I did not expect that many people to  want a continuation to the Dabi chapter, geez.


(at least I think it does)

And I-


Oh god it's back.

Y-you remember the thing that was behind you...?

I-it's behind you again.

A-again, I'm sure if you ignore it, it'll g-go away...

R... r-right...?

| Paranoia P2 |

"Why, (Y/N)? You knew what was going to happen, didn't you?" He asked you. You didn't say anything, you just started running. You ran to the back door,  opened it, and ran into the backyard.

Not knowing what else to do, you grabbed your large garden shovel.

Your heart was beating out of your chest as you held the shovel tightly.

"(Y/N)... I promise I won't hurt you if you just come with me..." He told you, walking towards you. You wanted to say something, you wanted to yell at him, but you just couldn't.

He ran towards you, and in your panic...

You hit him over the head with your shovel.

He collapsed onto the ground the moment you did.

You breathed a sigh of relief once you realized he wasn't moving anymore.

"Thank god..." You whispered to yourself. You realized you should probably let Kazuo know that you're ok, so you tried to make your way back inside your house, but a jolt of fear shot through your body...


As Dabi grabbed your leg.

"NOW." You heard him yell, as a black/purple portal appeared below the two of you, and you fell into it.

The two of you fell through the fog, until...

You hit the floor.

Looking around, it looked to be some sort of bar.

Oh god, where are you?

What's going on?

Where did he take you?

Why is this happening?

"Who the hell is this?" You heard a raspy voice ask.

"That's the person I was talking about. Remember? The one who got me shot?" Dabi responded, still on the floor.

"Ok, that answers one question. Now... why are you on the floor?"

"She hit me over the head with a shovel, and I don't want to get up yet."

"S-sir, do you have a phone?" You asked the raspy-voiced one.

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