𝒯𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝒿𝒾𝓀𝒾

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Requested by HelplessAnimeWeeb


| Masochism |

you had found a letter in your locker this morning.

It was sealed with a heart sticker, and "For (Name)" was written in small letters.

From the handwriting alone, you could tell who wrote it. An anxious boy by the name of Tamaki Amajiki.

It makes sense that he'd write a love letter instead of just telling you.

Though, you weren't the type of person to fall in love with other people.

That day, when you got to class, you went straight to him, holding the letter.

"Tamaki." You demanded.

"(N-name)! H- um- he- h-hi! How... um h-h-how's your m-morning going?" He stuttered.

"Not important. Anyways, I found something in my locker this morning. Do you know what it might be?" You asked him. Tamaki's expression turned to one of pure terror, then forcing out a smile, gulping, and quietly replying

"N-no... I have no idea."

"Oh really?" You asked. "You sure? You don't recognize this writing?" You asked him, showing him the letter.

"W-well now that you show me it, it... it... does look familiar..." He responded, progressively getting quieter.

"Oh! So you don't remember what you wrote?" You asked, in a bit of a mocking tone.

"No, I-I didn't write it, I just gave the person who d-did write it the advice to g-give it to you." Tamaki explained.

"Well in that case, aren't you just dying to know what they wrote?" You asked. Tamaki blushed, and looked down at his lap.

"Never mind, f-forget everything about this." He looked up at you, an angry-ish expression on his face, but his eyes welling up with tears. "Go ahead (Name). B-be the cruel bastard I know you are, a-and embarrass me in f-front of the whole class."

"If you insist!" You said happily.

You then read the note aloud.

Hi (Name).

I knew I'd never be able to tell you this

But I thought you at least deserve to know.

I love you (Name).

I've loved you since we first met two years ago.

I love you

I love you so much, and I think I'd die if anyone found out.

Anyone besides you, of course.




-Tamaki Amajiki

You looked down at Tamaki, and saw a slight smile as tears streamed down his face.

After classes, when you were walking home, Tamaki mustered up the confidence to talk to you.

"Thank you for reading that letter earlier, (Name)." He told you, smiling. "Do you want to come with me for a moment?"

"Nah, don't have time." You explained, before Tamaki aggressively grabbed your wrist and tried to drag you away.

And just then...

You punched him in the face.

Tamaki gasped, and then turned back to you. His nose was bleeding, and he was smiling happily... no... he wasn't happy, that was a different smile. He looked... aroused.

"Oh (Name)... I don't know why, but you embarrassing me earlier... it felt amazing..." Tamaki wiped the blood from his nose, and wiped it on his uniform. "(Name)... don't you think we-"

You kicked him in the stomach. He fell onto the ground, and you stopped him from getting up by stepping on his chest.

"Don't talk to me again." You said to him angrily. Tamaki giggled, and grabbed your leg while blushing.

"Don't be so rough with me (Name)~" Tamaki said to you. "I don't know what I might do if you get more intense with me..."

You got off of him, a disgusted 'ugh' escaping your mouth.

"So... is it a date...?" Tamaki asked you, getting up from the ground.

"N-no! Why on earth would you think that?!" You asked angrily.

"Well, you... you knew exactly what I wanted! And to know, and then do, exactly what I wanted you to do to me..." His breathing got more intense, and he grabbed your face. "Y-you must really love me!"

Since that day, Tamaki thought you were dating him.

And, somehow, the rest of the class started thinking that as well.

And the more you hit him, kicked him, and tried to get him to not like you...

He just seemed to love you more.

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