𝒟𝑒𝓃𝓀𝒾 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾

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Requested by: kaminari_is_baby


I am a little goblin eating nothing but pimento-stuffed olives >:3

| Dinner Date |

You had just been broken up with.

Life really sucks some times, doesn't it...

Luckily, your best friend, Kaminari, had been helping you feel better!

And suddenly, as you were watching one of your favourite shows that you rewatch whenever you're upset, Kaminari called you.

"Hey (Y/N)!"

"What's up, Kaminari?"

"Well... guessssssssssss what I made you!"


"No, you have to guess. Take this seriously, (Y/N)."

"Uh- well... ok. Did you make... like, dinner, or something?"

"Dingdingdingdingding! You're completely right! Good job (Y/N)! So, yeah, come over whenever you're ready!"

"Alright, I'll be there soon Kaminari."

He hung up.

You made your way to his house, and knocked on the door.

"Oh! (Y/N)! You- um... I didn't expect you to get here this fast...!" Kaminari told you, in shock.

"Yeah, I don't know how either... I think I might have fast travelled." You told him, also confused. You entered the house, and promptly sat down on the couch.

"So, uh... the thing is (Y/N), since you came over so quick, diner actually... isn't ready yet. So, uh... you just make yourself comfortable, and I'll... I'll be done soon!" Kaminari explained happily.

"Alright." You said, lying down.

Time passed, and Kaminari had been 'grabbing meat from the basement' for quite a few minutes.

So, you went downstairs.

And there you saw...

A very injured person.

Not just some random person you didn't know...


It was the person who had broken up with you.

"This is what you deserve for hurting my (Y/N), asshole." Kaminari said, so calmly, yet so aggressively. Then, they recognized you, and weakly reached their hand out to you.

"(Y-Y/N)! Get over here and save me from this crazy bitch!" They said, desperately.

"...No." You told them, quietly walking back up the stairs.

Later, Kaminari came back up, carrying pieces of meat in his gloved hands.

There was an awkward silence.

"So (Y/N)... did you... did you see anything down there...?" He cautiously asked.

"Yeah. But, I don't really care." You admitted. "And... thanks." You told him.

"O-oh! Yeah, no problem..." Kaminari said. You couldn't see his face, as he was facing the kitchen counter, but just from his voice, you could tell he was probably blushing.

And once he was done, the two of you sat down at the table, each with a plate of ambiguous-looking meat in front of you.

Though, you knew what it was.

It was actually prepared fairly well, something you didn't expect from Kaminari.

"So, um... e-enjoy?" Kaminari said, unsure of himself. You just sat there looking at it. "Are you ok, (Y/N)?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, it's just... I've never had human meat before... it kinda just feels... wrong, even looking at it..." You said, actually wondering what it would taste like, or what it'd feel like.

"Oh, well, it actually tastes kinda like pork!" Kaminari explained, happily.

"Hm. Weird." You said, poking it. "Wait... Kaminari, how'd you know that...?" You asked him.

"Oh! Me? Well, I um s-saw it on the internet the other day!" He said, nervously.

"I don't know if I believe you."

He sighed.

"Yeah, I'll admit it. I know you might not want to be my friend after I tell you, but... I think you know why I know what it tastes like..."

"Huh. Never expected that from you. Well, you're still one of my best friends, and I don't mind you... uh... doing this." You told him.

"Oh! Nice!"

It was an awkward dinner, but you appreciated Kaminari's efforts.



While I was writing, a question suddenly revealed itself to me.

Does a "Platonic Yandere" exist?

Like, they're good friends with you, and completely fine with just being friends, but if you get in a relationship, they're suddenly super protective, and will kill your partner if they're abusive towards you.

And, just in general, kill anyone who's mean to you.

Like, does that exist? Does it have a name?

I really wonder.

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