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| Fairy Tale |

"Fuck..." You said, as the white-ish liquid spilled out of your mouth.

"Oh, I didn't realize you gagged that easily, (Y/N)..." Shinsou told you.

"I didn't gag, I vomited. Ugh... how am I ever gonna get over this stupid fever if I can't even keep medicine down?!" You angrily asked yourself.

"And that was the last of the medicine..." Shinsou added. "You stay right here, (Y/N). I'll go buy some more from the local drugstore. I'll be right back." He leaned in close, and kissed you on the forehead. "You sit tight in your bed."

"Thank you, Shinsou."

About 20 minutes later, Shinsou returned, with a bag of stuff.

"Here. Got some more medicine, and I got a bunch of candies for us to have when you get better."

"What kind of medicine?"

"I remember you telling me how much you hate "adult medicine", so I got you the kids kind, the kind that tastes like bubblegum."

And that was when you decided that you loved Hitoshi Shinsou, no matter what.

Shinsou really loved you back.

You knew this, because of everything he did for you.

One day, you'd returned home, exhausted from your day, but determined to finish your work early.

"Jesus, (Y/N), you look terrible right now. You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired... and my hair feels all greasy... and my head hurts... but I really wanna finish this as soon as possible." You told him, walking to your room so you could use your computer.

"Oh really? What are you working on?" He asked you.

"Well I was-"

You stopped in your tracks.

"Go take a shower, (Y/N)." Shinsou commanded. "Then take some ibuprofen, and go to bed. You deserve a rest, (N/N)..."

He's helped you so many times.

You fainted from heat exhaustion one, and Shinsou brought you inside.

You almost downed once, and Shinsou saved you.

You were almost killed once, but Shinsou was there at the perfect time to save you.

There was even a time when you were kidnapped by villains, but Shinsou was able to save you.

With how many terrible things happen to you, and how often they happen, you were starting to wonder...

Are these situations really just coincidences?

Is the fact that Shinsou's always there to save you just a coincidence?


There's no way Shinsou's paying off villains to do these terrible things to you, just so he can be there to save you each time...


No, that's impossible.

"Please... j-just leave me alone..." You said, backing away. You suddenly hit a wall. You can't get any farther away.

Suddenly, he appeared.

He came to save you.

His capture weapon wrapped around the attacker's neck.

They slowly fell to the ground as they were strangled by the scarf.

You watched as someone died.

"Hey (N/N), you ok?" Shinsou asked you.

"I..." You ran to Shinsou, your arms wrapping around him as you cried.

"It's ok (N/N)... you're safe now..." He said to you, placing his hand on your head.

It's Shinsou's perfect fairy tale.

Something terrible will happen to you, and he'll save you.

He's like your knight in shining armour,  and you're his damsel in distress.

And this fairy tale will go on as long as he loves you.

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