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Currently listening to It's Over Isn't It? and crying. It's just one of those days.

| Tolerable |

You were cursed when you were born. Well, not actually cursed, of course, this isn't a fairy tale.

Then again, you never know...

So what is this apparent "curse"?

So far, everyone you've fallen in love with has been completely insane. Like, the  "would kill someone" kind of insane, the "sees nothing wrong with torture" kind of insane, the "love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me love me" kind of insane.

You're usually able to catch in to the hints that they are before the relationship goes too far.

Not this time though.

You should've known it was too good to be true.

You should have known there's no way this would end differently.

You slowly woke up. That sucks, you didn't want to be awake right now...

You felt his arms wrapped around you, as you heard the quiet sound of his breathing.

It was quite calm, in a way.

"... I'm hungry..." You whispered to yourself. You lifted his arm off of your chest, and got out of the bed.

You looked at him, lying there, smiling, probably deep in some peaceful dream. His messy red hair spread out on the pillow, after being spiked up all day.

Out of everyone you've been with, this one was by far the most tame. His name was Eijiro Kirishima, and all he wanted was for you to give him attention, love him, and train with him. The only real bad part about him was that he didn't let you leave the house without him. The reason he doesn't let you do that, according to him, is that he's scared you'll find someone to replace him, that he's scared you think he's not good enough. Unlike the others who've used a similar excuse, this one... didn't seem like an excuse, this seemed genuine.

Knowing he thought like that, you felt bad. Normally, you wouldn't think twice about it, and just assume he's trying to manipulate you, but... if he were trying to do that, he'd try to manipulate you in other ways as well, not just take the self confidence issues route.

You exited the bedroom, and walked down the stairs.

You looked at the wall beside you, filled with framed photos of Kirishima and one other person. In all of the photos, the person's face was scribbled out with red marker, like he wanted to forget they ever existed. From the parts you could see, their hair was spikey and blonde.

Kirishima looked happy in all of the pictures, but at the same time, all of those happy expressions looked forced. You could also see that there were always painful-looking burn marks about the size of a hand on various parts of his body.

Maybe you'll find out who that mystery person is some day.

After walking down the stairs, you made your way to the kitchen, and started making yourself a snack. As you did, you focused your attention on the bloodstain on the rim of the counter. There were bloodstains all around the house, and you were usually able to tell what caused them. This one looked like someone's head had been slammed down onto the rim. And there was one on the floor next to you, where it seems like someone had been stabbed to death.

Once you finished making your snack, you made your way to the couch, and put a show on. If you can't sleep, why not make the best of it? Get some alone time?

You rarely get to watch movies, since Kirishima hates loud noises, especially the sound of explosions. Maybe it's some kind of phonophobia? He seems to slip into a state of pure panic and anxiety whenever he hears a sound like that, so maybe...

Speaking of that, he also seems to get really nervous when you raise your voice, or when he hears someone yelling in general. He also tells you things along the lines of "sorry" "I didn't mean to" "I won't do it again, promise" and "please don't hit me again" if you raise your hand near him.

And.. all of that leads to you wondering...

Just what has he been through....?

From upstairs, you suddenly heard him scream.


Them there was a moment of silence. Then you heard him get out of bed. Then, he came running down the stairs. You looked at him, confused. You saw the tears on his face, and his panicked expression turn to one of relief as he sighed.

"Oh, thank god you're still here, (Y/N)..."

Kirishima walked to you, and sat down on the couch beside you.

"What are you watching?" He asked.

"I'm watching Dr. Nurse." You responded. Dr. Nurse was one of the many Hospital Drama TV shows that exist, about a Doctor named Gladys Nurse. There are many sex scenes, as expected of a Hospital Drama, but you only watch it for the gore.

"Really? I don't know why you like this show..."

"I only watch it for the surgery scenes." You explained. "I like the blood and guts!" You told him, deviously smiling. Kirishima laughed- well, it was more one of those laughs you do while looking at memes, the kind where it's really just you pushing the air out of your nose while smirking a bit.

"I don't get you sometimes..."

"Alright, now it's time for me to ask you a question." You stated. "What was that scream about?"

"Oh, i-it's nothing, I just... had another dream about him..." Kirishima told you. He was someone Kirishima seemed to have constant nightmares about. You didn't know his name, just that he was someone Kirishima used to know. Maybe he's the person in the photos...?

"Hey, why don't we watch something you like? Like... uh... oh! That show we saw yesterday?"

"Dweller's Empty Path?"

"Yeah, that one! You seemed to like that show, so why don't we keep watching it?" You asked. Kirishima smiled and nodded, then resting his head on your shoulder as you changed the channel.

Out of all the "insane" people you've been with...

He was definitely the most...




So what happened to Kirishima, I wonder~? You probably already know, since  I made it kinda  obvious....

Also! Dweller's Empty Path, referenced earlier, is a real thing! It's not a show though, it's actually a game. I've been playing it recently, and I really like it, would definitely recommend.

Dr. Nurse, however, is not real, and is just based on all the hospital dramas my mom watches.

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