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And now, it's time for something I've definitely never done before... demon time!

| Imaginary Friend |

Your family had moved away from your childhood home years ago, as they were sure the house was haunted in some way.

You knew it wasn't.

It was just your friend.

You found out about that friend when you discovered a weird circle in the basement.

Your hand got cut one day, some of your blood fell on the circle, it glowed a bit, and then you met your friend!

Looking back on it as an adult, why did your parents even let you in the basement?

It was certainly no place for a kid.

But it doesn't matter now!

You're an adult now, and you just returned your old house!

Time to see once and for all if your friend was real or not.

You got out of your car with your bag of stuff.

You left the house in a hurry that night.

And your family didn't officially 'move out', your family still technically owns the house.

All of your old stuff should still be there.

The house hadn't changed much in the thirteen years it was left unattended to. The only difference on the outside is that the flowers in the garden had died.

As for the creepy haunted mansion-ness... the house had always looked spooky.

Taking a deep breath, you walked inside the house.

Looking around, the house actually looked... more clean than you remembered it.

Maybe you had just remembered things wrong.

You sat your bag down on the ground, and made your way to the kitchen.

You saw all of the old dishes piled up in the sink.

You opened the cupboards, and saw the clean dishes, and all the old mugs.

You wanted to check out the fridge, but that'd probably be disgusting.

You looked at the old drawings on the fridge, one of them, you remembered well.

A drawing of  you, and your friend you'd met in the basement thirteen years ago.

From your drawing, he looked like a mass of tendrils with wings, horns, and wide red eyes.

Maybe it was just because you weren't the best artist when you were seven.

But from what you remembered, your drawing was accurate.

You sighed, and then opened the freezer.

Various freezer-burnt food items that you'd have to throw out.

Tomorrow, you should start working on the house.

You walked up the stairs, and entered your childhood bedroom.

It'd be such a cute moment if you fell asleep in your old bed...

But it was obviously way too small, so you went to your parents old bedroom instead, and fell asleep in the large bed.

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