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Requested by: alarmclox

So yeah, I'm not dead.

Or am I?

Maybe I went to hell, and the Devil gave me access to Wattpad?

Maybe I went to heaven, and God realized I have too much power, so he revived me Jesus-Style?

Or maybe I came back from he dead, and I'm writing this as a ghost?

Or maybe I'm immortal, and can never die?

Or maybe Kaminari realized that if I die, he (as he exists in this book) will cease to exist, so he went back to the real world and brought me to the hospital?

Since you cannot see me, you will never know.

| Best Friends |

You'd been broken up with many times.

But it was always fine, it was always on terms, and it was just when both of you agreed it was the best thing to do.

And if you ever got too sad after one, you just went to your best friend, Mina. She always helped you feel better.

Mina was that kind of person where... it's like... she would just murder anyone who hurt you.

Luckily, since you've never been too hurt by any of your breakups, Mina's never had to murder anyone.


But that ends today.

You knocked on the door as tears rolled down your face.

Eventually, Mina opened the door.

"(Y/N)!  I'm so sorry, I know we were planning on playing that game together,  but my curiosity got the best of me, and I played the first part without you, I-" Mina then looked at you, and paused. "Wait a minute... what's wrong (Y/N)?"

Mina let you inside, and you explained that you'd been broken up with... again.

"Oh, that sucks." Mina said, sad for you. "Hey! I've got an idea! What if you and I go get slushies together?" She asked happily, trying to make you feel better.

You wiped your eyes, and weakly smiled.

"That sounds good..."

You two got some slushies, and returned to Mina's home.

"... what's wrong, (Y/N)? You seem so much more... sad, than usual, even after the slushy! Are you ok?" Mina asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, it's just..." you sniffed, and dragged your hand across your eyes. Your hand had become very cold after holding your slushy for so long, and that cooling sensation felt lovely on your eyes. "It's just that... this one was so much worse than normal..."

"Pfft, how much 'worse than normal' could it be?" Mina asked, smiling stupidly.

"I... I caught him cheating on me..." you began. Mina's smile immediately faded. "A-and I confronted him about it... but when I did, he told me it was my fault. He told me I was the problem. That he cheated on me because he thought I wasn't good enough... he said he should have left me the moment he first saw me..." you explained.

"The fuck? Why the hell would he do that?!" Mina angrily asked.

"I don't know..." you covered your eyes with your hands. "Maybe I was the problem..."

"No, it wasn't you, (Y/N)!" Mina told you. "Also, where's he live? I think I need to have a... talk with him..." She angrily uttered.

"No, Mina that's illegal."

"Only if I get caught!"

You started laughing.

"Feeling better now, (Y/N)?" Mina asked, smiling.

"A little."

Mina wasn't joking, though.

She was able to find out where he lived (somehow), and she was ready to... teach him a... lesson.

"Doesn't even bother staying with the slut he cheated on (Y/N) with, huh? Even more terrible than I thought." She whispered to herself, standing above him, menacingly.

She took some duct tape, and placed it on his mouth.

She grabbed him by the hands, and threw him out of the bed.

He woke up as Mina started dragging him out of house.

His muffled screams felt amazing to hear.

Mina kept dragging him all the way to her house, and brought him inside. Then, she opened the door to her basement, and threw him down the stairs, watching happily as he painfully hit the concrete floor, probably knocking him out.

She sighed to herself. She's going to waste so much duct tape...

Mina grabbed two rolls of duct tape, and headed downstairs.

She put him on a chair she had prepared in advance, and then tied him to it, and waited for him to wake up.

"Oh, you're awake." Mina said once he woke, sounding disappointed. "You know, I really hoped you wouldn't."

She ripped the tape off of his mouth, trying to make it as painful as she could.

"H-hey, what the hell's going on here? Who are you psycho?!"

"Psycho...? That hurt." Mina told him, frowning. "You should learn to be nicer to people. It's a shame you won't get a chance to. You know, 'cause you're about to die."

"What?! I still don't know what's going on here-"

"You know someone named (Y/N) (L/N), don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah, I just broke up with that bitch. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner."

"Ah, I see, I see... and do you know who I am?"


"My name's Mina Ashido. I'm (Y/N)'s best friend." Mina told him, angrily. "Do you know what that means? When she's sad, I make her feel happy. When she's hurt, I make sure she feels better. And when someone hurts her..." she leaned close to his face, and angrily whispered. "I make sure that person pays."

"Oh, I get it." He said. "This is a dumb prank (Y/N) organized to make me get back together with her, isn't it?"

"No, (Y/N) has no say in this whatsoever. Do you know ho sad you made her?!" Mina asked, exasperated. "That's why I'm going to kill you."


"Do you know what it feels like to dissolve from the inside out?" Mina threateningly asked.


"Would you like to?"

"Not exactl-" the moment he started talking, Mina slapped her hand on his mouth, and started spraying acid inside of it.

"Now swallow it. I want to see what this does to a person~" Mina commanded. She watched as he did as told. "How does that feel? The pain of acid slowly going down your throat?" She playfully asked, watching the tears fall out of his eyes like waterfalls. "Whatever pain you're feeling right now, just know you completely deserve every second of it."

That torture continued until she saw his eyes glaze over, until she couldn't see his chest rising and falling anymore, until the tears stopped flowing, until she couldn't feel his pulse.

She wanted to make extra sure he was dead, so even though all of those clues were there, she kept shooting acid into his mouth for another five minutes.

She killed the ex that hurt you so much...

Because that's what best friends do.

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