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Requested by: DarkieMonarchie

I miss the days when all I had to worry about school-wise was learning the differences between there they're and their.

| This Has Happened Before |

There's a word that could describe someone you know.


That word describes him perfectly.

You woke up at two in the morning.

You tried to get back to sleep, but you just couldn't.

You sighed to yourself.

"Maybe a walk would help get me more tired." You said to yourself, defeated. "And if it doesn't, I can buy some chips."

You got up from your bed, and made your way to the front door. Putting your coat on, you made your way out of your house, locking the door behind you.

You felt strange.

You were the only one around.

It felt... lonely.

But at the same time, it felt strangely peaceful.


You had an argument with a friend recently.

It kind of... ended your friendship with him, unfortunately.

You suddenly stopped walking.

"I miss him..." you said to yourself. "Maybe I shouldn't've rejected him like that..." you continued. "Then again, if he wanted to stay friends after that, he shouldn't have done that." You said, remembering what happened that  night.

At the store, you bought two bags of chips, a pack of gum, and a family-sized container of candy for yourself.

You put your keys in the plastic bag with the groceries, and started walking home

As you walked home, you felt... less lonely than before.

That's probably not a good sign.

You looked around, nobody was there.

Maybe you were just being paranoid...?

You looked up at the rooftops, and again, saw nothing.

That was until you saw a figure.

Yeah, not a good sign.

You, feeling that it'd be the best option to do so, started running.

He started chasing after you.

Just by how they were chasing you, you knew exactly who it was.

It was that 'friend' you knew.

And, he's probably pissed at you.

As you kept running, you turned around, and threw your bag at him.

A noble sacrifice. You will be missed, two bags of chips, pack of gum, and container of candy...

You could run faster now, so that's good.

You got to your house.

Thank god, safe at last.


Oh no.

Your keys were in with your groceries.

In the bag you threw at him.

It's alright, just keep running!

He'll stop chasing you eventually... hopefully.

Just keep running.

Tape was shot at you, wrapping around your legs and torso as you ran, causing you to faceplant into the sidewalk.

"Shit." You said, annoyed.

"You have the worst sleep schedule of anyone I know, (Y/N)." You heard him say to you.

"Hey Sero." You greeted him. "My sleep schedule isn't as bad as you think, I just woke up at 2, couldn't get back to sleep." You explained.

"Oh, that's unfortunate." He said to you, picking you up. "Well, I got some anesthesia right here (don't ask how I got it) and I bet that'd help you sleep! Right?" He asked, pulling a syringe from somewhere.

"Where did you pull that out from?"

"I dunno."

"Well, who cares." You said. "It's probably not actually anesthesia, you're just saying that to scare me."

He injected it into your arm, and...

Yeah, it turns out he wasn't lying about it being anesthesia.

When you woke up, and recalled everything that'd happened, the first thing you said was

"You're crazier than I thought, Sero."

He smiled, bringing you some food on a tray.

"You might be right." He handed you the tray of breakfast. "But I'm fine with that."

Why are you pretending this is normal right now?

It's simple, really.

From everything that's happened, you know.

If you just play along with this, you'll be ok.

And why do you know that?


Because this has happened before.

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