𝔼𝕚𝕛𝕚𝕣𝕠 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒

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This chapter is going to just be me pouring all of my stupid angsty teenage feelings into a story, so.... TW for some upsetting content btw

(As in bloody imagery and unwanted/forced sexual interactions, so if those are triggers for you, don't read this one. I thought I should mention that just in case!)

| He Loves You, You Love Him Not |

It was after classes. There was nothing that could go wrong... right? That was what you thought, at least. You were walking home with a friend of yours, Mina Ashido. Even though you went to different schools, you lived in the same neighbourhood, so you two walked home together sometimes.

"So, how's UA going, Mina?" You asked her.

"It's going pretty good! But school's so much harder than it needs to be, you know?" Mina said to you.

"Yeah, it is!" You said to her while laughing. Suddenly, while you were walking, someone bumped into you. One of the first thing you noticed about them was their red hair. They stood up, and started talking.

"I'm really sorry about that, I didn't mean to bump into you, I-" He stopped, taking a better look at you and Mina. Then, his face lit up. "Oh my god, Ashido! I haven't seen you since last year! You remember me? I know I look a lot different, but it's me! When you last saw me, I had black hair, I apologized to you for not being able to save you and your friends?"

"Hmmm..." Mina looked him up and down, trying to find any memorable traits. "I've seen that scar before, I do remember seeing you... but what was the name...?" Mina said, trying her best to remember. The three of you sat there for a while, before Mina blurted out "Kirishima! That was it!"

"Yeah! So, how have you been doing?" Kirishima asked her. As the two of them talked, and caught up with eachother, you felt like those times where your Mom saw one of her old friends at the mall, and you just wait there while they talk.

"Well, I'm gonna head home Mina, you two have fun." You said. But Mina grabbed onto your arm, stopping you from walking away.

"I haven't introduced you two yet, though!" She said enthusiastically.

"Is that really necessary though?" You asked her, really wanting to avoid a social interaction with someone you didn't know.

"Yes. It is." Mina told you, hands on her hips. "So, (Name), this is an old friend of mine from our Middle School, Eijiro Kirishima! He was in a different class than us though." Then, she turned to him. "Kirishima, this is a good friend of mine, (Name) (Last Name)!"

Over the course of a few weeks, the three of you kept meeting eachother, and it was very clear that Kiri liked you. Then, one day, he stopped coming. You didn't know where he went, you just knew he was gone.

A few months later, you ran into him again. He had slightly longer hair, and a new scar. He bumped into the two of you, but he looked like he was in a hurry.

"Oh! Hi Kirish-"

"Sorry Ashido, I'm kinda in a hurry right now. I'll talk with you when I get the chance!" He said, running away from the two of you. You two just sat there in shock for a second, before You said something.

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