𝔻𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚 𝕂𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚

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| Forgiveness...? |

He had always loved you.

And, well... you liked him as well, but not like that. He was your friend. He had always been your friend.

You two had gone to different High schools, and didn't see each other for quite a while. So it was a bit of a surprise when you ran into him in the street. He looked at your face for a while before noticing something. His face lit up, and he gasped.

"(Name)! Oh! I didn't even recognize you at first! You've changed so much, I mean, I have too, but still!" He said happily. It took a second to recognize him, but you remembered eventually.

"Denki, it's been so long! How have you been?" You asked him.

"I-I've been great! What about you?"

The two of you caught up with each other, and you invited him back to your place. You two played video games until 2am, and realized Denki should probably go home.

"Oh! I didn't realize how late it was." You said. "I guess you should head back to your place..."

"Actually... I was w-wondering if I could stay here tonight...?" He asked you nervously. You looked away for a sec, and thought about it, before replying.

"I mean, I don't mind, but why?" You asked him. Denki looked kind of embarrassed, and then revealed his reason.

"I... just for old times, you know? I mean, we haven't seen each other in so long, and we used to do it all the time." He laughed to himself.

"Yeah, but we were also kids when we did that, Denki." You told him, a slightly embarrassed smile on your face.

"C'mon, please?" He asked, really extending the 'please'.

And so he stayed the night with you.

He woke you up the next morning. He had made breakfast for the two of you! Denki had always been like this to you. You never knew why though. He never acted like this around his other friends, so... why just to you? As you were lost in thought, he started to speak.

"So, (Name)... are you seeing someone? If you aren't, m-maybe we could..." He trailed off during that second sentence. You still didn't know.

"Yeah, I actually am!" You said excitedly.

"O-oh. That's good, that's... that's amazing... for you." He said, attempting to sound excited, but his voice still showing a sign of disappointment.

"What about you?" You asked him.

"Me? No, I... I'm not seeing anyone." He said, trying to hide the sad tone you could clearly hear. "Nobody would ever want to date me..."

"That's not true!" You told him. He laughed a bit.

He ended up wondering about the person you were dating, Yasuhiro Higekishi, before having to go.

After that, you didn't hear from Denki for a while.

That was until one day, you decided to check the news, for whatever reason.

"Police are currently investigating the deaths of two young adult men. Denki Kaminari and Yasuhiro Higekishi. New evidence has currently surfaced, a note on one of the victims bodies, addressed to someone only identified as (Nickname)."

They showed the note on the screen, and you were immediately able to recognize Denki's handwriting.

I'm so sorry (Nickname)

I killed Yasuhiro.

I can't let myself go on knowing I'm responsible.

(Nickname), I love you,

I've always loved you.

I've just never known how to say it.

I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me


You turned off the TV.



Isn't it funny how, even in a chapter pretty much dedicated to Kaminari, I still find a way to kill him?

I don't know why I do this to him, as in reality, he's one of my favourite characters.

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