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Requested by: Kamiko_1234

I (platonically) love you. All of you. Yes, everyone reading this. You all deserve love. Here, take it 💜💜. I'll even give you a little kiss. Unless you don't want me to, in which I will give hug instead. Unless you don't want that either, in which case I will respect that, and just tell you how much I appreciate you :3

I just thought some of you might need to hear that today. I know there are definitely days where I need to hear something like that, so you guys probably feel like that sometimes too.

| Stone Knight |

"Heyyyy (Y/N)~!" Someone approached you from behind. Turning your head, you saw your dumb friend, Denki Kaminari.

"What is is this time." You asked, annoyed. Kaminari was definitely your friend, and you obviously enjoy hanging out with him, but... whenever he talks to you, he usually has an 'idea', and that 'idea' usually leads to something bad happening to you.

"Well... I have another idea, (Y/N)!" He told you, sticking his tongue out. Yep. It was exactly as you feared. You sighed.

"Right. Well, you're not gonna let me not help you, so... what is it?" You asked. Kaminari laughed mischievously. Oh, this is gonna be bad...

"You know the statue in the park? The Stone Knight?" He asked you. In your city, there's a park. And in the park, there's a statue. It's of a prince, reaching out for something. With the way it's designed, it looks as if someone was supposed to be holding his hand. "You know the legend, don't you~?"

"Eh? What legend?" You asked.

"You seriously don't know?!" He asked you, exasperated. You shook your head, and Kaminari crossed his arms. "Fine, I guess I'll just have to tell you. So! Long ago, there was a prince named Izuku. Strong and fair, the prince was loved by his entire kingdom. But, even so... there was one person who loved Izuku more than anyone else. A witch, Himiko Toga. She loved the prince, and yet... he didn't return her feelings. In a pure blind rage, she cast a spell on the prince, one that will turn him to stone until his true love holds his hand, specifically at midnight. When midnight arrived, she grabbed his hand, and... nothing. The spell wasn't broken. She tried many times, but it just wouldn't work, meaning Himiko wasn't his true love."

"Damn. She sounds kinda desperate to me..." you said, rolling your eyes.

"Shut up, I'm telling a dramatic story." Kaminari told you, clearly annoyed. "So, anyways, she disguised herself as a servant of the castle, and invited multiple people who she knew the prince loved to come hold his hand, but none of them worked. She invited nearly everyone in the country to try to un-petrify him, but nothing worked. Not knowing what else to do, she used a spell to disguise herself as the prince, and traveled to find a seer, Sir Mirai Sasaki. When she found him, she asked him... Sir, I know this is very unimportant, but I must know the answer... Sir Sasaki, who is my true love?"

"How did she disguise herself as the prince? How did the seer, who can presumably see into the future, not realize that she wasn't the prince?" You asked.

"There's an explanation for that. For the first question: magic. And for the second one: he can see into the future, not into people's minds. He knows that the prince will be stone forever, or until his true love holds his hand. He just assumed the prince saw some other seer to find out about that. Anyways-" Kaminari took a deep breath. "He told the witch... Prince Izuku, your true love does not exist at this time. The person who will break the spell you are destined to have cast on you exists in a far off future, so far that even I cannot see the exact details. Even though your heart will stop, your consciousness will remain. You will be doomed to watch your kingdom fall into ruin, to watch the country you work so hard to keep peaceful slowly collapse in upon itself due to war, to watch everyone who loves you die, without you being able to do anything. But you won't be stone forever. The spell will be broken eventually, in a far far off future, where magic no longer exists. That is as far as I know. The witch disguise herself as said seer once she returned to the palace, and informed his mother, the queen. The people put the stone prince on a pedestal, like a statue. And, you know what they say?"

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