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Ok, this might need explaining, so let me tell you now in case you get confused: Dabi is a demon in this chapter.

| Eternal Love |

You walked in the empty street.

You heard footsteps behind you.

Turning around revealed nobody was there.

You kept walking.

Then, you started hearing whispers.

Again, nobody was around.

You looked up from the ground, and saw a tall shadowy figure in front of you.

The moment you blinked, it was gone.

So, you just kept walking.

You held your chest as your heart started to hurt a bit.

You tried your best to keep yourself stable, and were able to get home.

You tiredly stumbled your way up to your bedroom, and collapsed in your bed.

You tried your best to fall asleep, and in the corner of your bedroom, you saw it.

That same shadowy figure from the street.

It started to walk closer to you until you drifted off to sleep.

In your dreams, you were met with a dark forest.

And by the figure again.

Though, you could see him more clearly.

He was taller than you, way taller.

Black hair, blue eyes, large horns, and was surrounded by bright blue flames.

"Good evening, (Name)." He spoke.

"W-who are you?" You asked.

"I don't have a name like you Humans, but you can call me Dabi." He explained to you, an evil-looking smile on his face. "Now, let's get the small talk out of the way."


"Your name's (Name) (Last Name), you have a strange heart condition, and you've never gone to a real school." Dabi explained. Everything he had just told you were right.

'H-how do you know that...?" You asked, scared.

"You recently went to a party, and headed home since you were afraid of dying at a party of all things." He said, laughing a bit. "Then, you'll try to tell me about this show you've been watching, a kind of... action/comedy series about superheroes. Then, I'll tell you that none of that matters, since you were supposed to die today."

"I... I was what...?" You said, starting to get scared.

"Yep. You were supposed to pass away, bite the dust, kick the bucket, cease existing, however you wanna say it." He said quickly, like he was singing an edgy song about war. "Point is bitch, you put me off my schedule. I have to fulfil deals with, like, 6 different humans, and now I'm late to do that, because you decided not to die at that stupid party!" Dabi said to you angrily.

"But... how is that your problem though? I mean, if you're making deals with people, why does it matter that someone didn't die at the 'right time'?" You asked. He sighed, annoyed.

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