𝒯𝒶𝓂𝒶𝓀𝒾 𝒜𝓂𝒶𝒿𝒾𝓀𝒾

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Requested by: SamGhost0782


This request made me question something.

If Tamaki was a cannibal...

What would he gain from it?

What would he manifest?

Would he be able to use the person's Quirk?

Would he get extra limbs?

Would he just turn into that person like Toga does?

I'm very confused, I NEED ANSWERS!!

| Eat You Alive |

You and your boyfriend were standing in the kitchen together. It was a long day for both of you, and you had finally gotten a chance to relax.

"(Y/N)..." Tamaki began. "I'm... no that's not the right way to start it..." He said, trying to find the right words. "Ok. (Y/N), I have... something to confess to you..."

"Oh, you do? What is it?" You asked.

"Well, I... you know how sometimes I'll disappear for reasons not related to my work? And how when I do come back, and you have food ready, I'll say I'm not hungry?" Tamaki asked you. He did do that a lot... you had just never really thought about it before.


"And you remember that one time... when you accidentally sliced your hand open with that piece of glass... and how I insisted on tasting your blood?" He asked.

"W-well, yeah, that is kinda weird now that I think about it..." You said, remembering that night. Your wound got infected shortly after, and he apologized for nearly a week straight.

"And you know how sometimes you'll wake up with bite marks on you...?" Tamaki continued asking.

"Yeah I've actually been meaning to ask about those."

"Alright then. I'll explain everything now..."

The suspense was killing you. What was it?

"I like to eat people sometimes..." Tamaki confessed.

"Oh, ok." You responded, slightly weirded out.

"...and it feels amazing..."

"Oh... alright..." You said, starting to get uncomfortable.

"...and I'll finally admit... I've kinda wanted to eat you for a while..."


You didn't even think that this could ever be a possibility.

He did call you 'delicious' sometimes, but you just thought that was a stupid sexy nickname he gave you!

Actually, he had quite a few 'sexy nicknames' for you, and they were... all things you'd use to refer to food.

Maybe you should have realized sooner.

"(Y/N), I've held back for so long... and I need to tell you..." Tamaki began, turning away from you.

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