𝑬𝒊𝒋𝒊𝒓𝒐 𝑲𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒂

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Requested by: xYaoi_Personx

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| Sacrifice Himself |

How long have you been out here...?

Just floating through the darkness...?

Has it been days?




Or has it only been a few hours?

Without any way to tell the time, it was hard to tell how long you'd been out there.

You were going to die floating through space.

That's a sure fact.

You were getting dangerously close to a nearby planet, and soon, you'd fall to the surface of the planet, and if the burning didn't kill you, then the impact would.

But that would be a blessing at this point.

It was getting hard to breathe in your suit.

You were hungry, tired, and an emotional mess.

How much longer do you have to live...?

You felt something grab you.

What was it?

Are you hallucinating?

Had you finally lost it?

No, you're actually moving!

You watched as large metal doors shut in front of you, and you hit the ground.

You had wanted to die, but...

Being rescued was nice too.

But wait...

If you had just been saved, then...

Who saved you?

You turned your head, and you... couldn't see their face, but you could tell they were tall.

Very tall.

You weren't sure if you were safe, but you sure as hell weren't floating through space anymore, so you fell backwards into their lap, and...

You fell asleep.

When you woke up, you were face-to-face with... something.

He had red hair that was all spiked up.

His face was decorated with strange markings.

He had an eyepatch covering his right eye, and you saw a large scar under it.

The eye that you could see was completely black, aside from the red iris.

He had a set of horns, but they were both broken.

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