𝔽𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕪 𝕂𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕞𝕒

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| The Escape |

(Name) Iida. You wanted to live up to your family's name. You figured, the best way to do that...

Would be to slay a dragon.

Your brother, Tenya, tried to convince you not to, but you didn't listen to him. You grabbed a sword, some potions, and some armor. You were ready to do it. You would climb the mountain, enter the cave, and slay the Red Dragon.

You walked into town, and noticed one of your friends, Tsuyu, selling her potions. So, you decided to make conversation.

"Tsu!" You waved your hand in the air and walked over to her.

"Oh, hi (Name)!" She said, smiling and sticking her tongue out. "What're you all dressed up for?" She asked you curiously.

"Well... You know the Red Dragon who lives in the mountain cave?" Tsuyu looked shocked. "I'm gonna finally save our town from his wrath!"

"I... don't know if that's a good idea, (Name)..." She said, concerned.

"That's what my brother was saying, but... I'll still do it!" You said with confidence. Tsuyu looked nervous, before smiling.

"Well, I guess I can't stop you!" She said. "But before you go," Tsuyu turned around and grabbed something, before turning back around to face you again "take this!" She handed you a nice polished glass bottle full of a strange purple liquid.

"What is it?" You asked, examining the bottle.

"It's a sleep potion!" She said. "When this liquid comes in contact with the air, it becomes a gas that can put even the most dangerous beasts to sleep. So if you're in a pinch, just shatter the bottle on the floor, and don't breathe in. It takes affect for an hour, which is enough time to kill it, or run away."

"Thanks Tsu." You said to her, turning around to leave.

You trekked up the large mountain, which was pretty hard in your armor, but eventually... you got to the cave. You rested outside for a bit before drawing your sword, and sneaking into the cave. You crept up to the large beast, positioning your sword on its neck. You were about to pierce its skin, when suddenly you were smacked away by a giant claw.

You put your hand on your hand on your face, and it stung so much. When you pulled your hand away, it was covered in blood. You tried to reach for you sword, but it was too far. And as you reached for one of your potions...

It was too late.

It was going to kill you.

But then... something unexpected happened. It turned into a... human? But it had horns, wings, and a tail. You heard it sigh, and say something like "Another human?" before you lost consciousness.

When you woke up, you were face-to-face with that Human-Dragon.... thing.

"Ah, you're awake. Sorry about that... rude... introduction. How about a more professional one?" It adjusted itself a bit farther away from you, and reached his hand out. "My name's Eijiro Kirishima. What's yours?" You grabbed its hand, and shook it nervously.

"I-I'm (Name) Iida...." You said, shakily. Its eyes lit up.

"So you're an Iida, huh?" It asked. You nodded in response. "You know..." It lifted a finger to its eye, which had a large scar on it. "Your eldest brother did this to me. He's the only one who's ever managed to leave lasting damage to me. That's a pretty good accomplishment, huh?"

"So... y-you're gonna kill me... to g-get revenge for your eye...?" You asked nervously.

"Oh no, I won't do that! I'm not that petty." It said. It placed a claw on the side of your face. "Besides, you're beautiful... you belong to me." You were confused.

Timeskip to a couple weeks later

You had tried to escape a few times. You were now chained up with some old chains it had lying around. You were scared that if you tried again, it'd kill you.

But then you remembered.

The potion Tsuyu gave you.

Luckily, for plot convenience, the bottle was right next to you. Suddenly, it came back.

"(Name), I brought you food." It said, unlocking your chains. It would unlock your chains to eat, and that's when you would do it. Just as you imagined, it unlocked your chains. But the moment it did that, you grabbed the bottle, and smashed it on the ground, just as Tsuyu said.

And just as she had said, the beast passed out. Then, you ran. You ran and would not stop until you got back to your town.

You escaped a Dragon.



This one is a bit different,

and maybe not that good.

Still hope you enjoyed!

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