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I am eating chocolates and BBQ Fritos and life is good :)

Also, for once, I'm not going to reveal who the yandere is! If you can figure it out, good job.

| "Sorry" |

You had woken up, not realizing that anything was wrong.

You didn't realize anything was different.

You sleepily got up from your bed, and looked in the mirror.

That was when you noticed it.

One of your fingers was missing.

But your hand was all bandaged up, and there was a note written in marker on the bandages.


I'll make it up to you at school today

In your locker

Love you❤

When you got to school, and opened your locker, you saw a note next to a box.

Again, I'm really sorry for cutting your finger off.

I hope this makes up for it!

I can't wait to see you waering it in class today, it's gonna look amazing!

It was a gold necklace with a polished ruby attached to it.

You put it in your pocket, and walked to class.

"Are you aware your finger is missing, (Y/N)?" Your teacher asked you as you walked into the classroom.


"Ok, just checking."

You sat down in your seat.

"Woah, (Y/N), what happened to you?" You heard someone ask you.

"I don't know. Someone must've broken into my house last night and cut my finger off."

"Well that wasn't very manly of them." He told you. "And how'd they do it without you waking up?" You put your head in your hands.

"I don't know..."

At lunch... someone came and sat down with you.

"(Y/N), can I sit with you?"

"Sure." You said as he pulled out a notebook. "So, how's your day been, Midoriya?"

"That's not important right now." He told you. "I want to help you find out who cut off your finger." He told you, his voice filled with Determination.

"But how do we do that?"

"Let me see your hand. I saw there was some writing on it, that'll probably help!" He told you. You presented your hand, and he read the writing. "Hmm... if they said they'll make it up to you at school, then that means they're most likely a student here."

"But there are tons of students here!" You said. "How can we tell who it is?!"

"Well, what did they leave in your locker?" He asked you. You pulled out the necklace from your pocket.

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