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Sorry to the people who want the cannon crispy boy, I have an ✨𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶✨

What is this idea? *laughs suspiciously* *I tilt my head down so my eyes are covered in darkness, then pushing up my glasses so light reflects off of them* *smiles as suspiciously as my laugh* You'll see...

(Also, this is a pretty long one, I really just... went in on it, so :P )

God I wish bears weren't dangerous. They look so soft and adorable. I want to cuddle one, but it'd probably kill me. Why must life taunt me so?

| The Blue Phoenix |

The day you met him was just like any other.

You didn't know that this meeting would be significant in any way.

As you walked down the sidewalk, you saw a man walking towards you, focusing on the book in his hand.

He had white hair, was wearing a scarf and gloves that covered up to his elbows (despite it being the middle of summer), a surgical-style mask with a blue fire pattern on it, and sunglasses.

You accidentally bumped into him. Even though that sounds like it was on purpose, it definitely wasn't.

He fell backwards, dropping his book, and his sunglasses faling off of his face.

"Ah, I'm sorry." You said. You picked up his sunglasses, handing them to him. Then, you got a better look at his eyes. They were a bright blue, like the fire pattern on his mask, and right under them, you saw... some nasty-looking burn scars. "H-holy shit, your eyes-! Are you ok?!" You worridly asked him. He grabbed his sunglasses away from you.

"I'm fine." He angrily uttered, before getting up, and running off.

You noticed he left his book behind.

You wanted to chase after him to give it back, but you realized he'll probably think you're crazy if you do that.

You picked up the book, reading the title. The Madness of Mr. Kagami. Maybe it'll be interesting? I mean, if that guy didn't notice you were there because of how focused he was on it, maybe you'll like it...?

You read the blurb on the back.

Sayaka Tantei is a well-known detective in the city of Notreal. She lives a very normal life, and she hardly ever fails to solve a case. One day, however, she gets a call from her sister's wife, Emi, who claims that Sayaka's sister, Miyuki, has gone missing. Sayaka, worried for her sister's safety, starts working the case immediately. Eventually, she questions Emi and Miyuki's next-door-neighbour, Yuudoku Kagami, who claims to have nothing to do with the disappearance. He seems to take a liking to Sayaka, though... and when Sayaka is kidnapped, she learns that Mr. Kagami had more to do with her sister's disappearance than she initially thought...

"That sounds like the plot to a bad fanfic." You said to yourself, knowing full well that, even though you say that, you're definitely gonna read it as soon as you get home.

A few days later, after you had finished reading the book, you got a text from a friend of yours.

[Birdman - 3:30pm]

Hey (Y/N)

You're single, right?

[You - 3:32pm]

For the last time

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