𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒐 𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒊

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Requested by: Justinavltn

I was once bullied for saying the word legit.

| Deadheart |

"I've been watching you for a long time, (Y/N)~" The person told you. You had a blindfold on, and couldn't see what they looked like. You also had some kind of cloth in your mouth, preventing you from talking. "Are you prepared to see me...?"

You felt two hands on your face. They ran their fingers through your hair.

"I think I might actually prefer you like this, (Y/N). You can't see me, so if you escape, you won't know how to describe me. You can't talk, so you can't scream for help or verbally abuse me." They told you. "But I'm a better person than that. I'll take your blindfold off now."

You felt the hands move to the back of your head, and you felt them untie your blindfold.

As it became looser, it fell off of you, and you could finally see the person who'd been talking to you.

He was wearing a mask that covered the left side of his face. His hair was completely white, and his eye was grey.

"Now you can see me. What do you think, (Y/N)...?" There was a silence between you. "Oh right... you can't talk... because of the gag... here let me help." He grabbed the cloth, and pulled it out of your mouth. "There we go. Now (Y/N), what do you think of me?"

"W-well..." you began. "You kidnapped me... tied me to a chair... blindfolded and gagged me... you... look terrifying to me... and I'm pretty sure you're about to rape me."

"W-why would you think that?!" He asked, sounding almost offended. "Oh... right... the whole 'making sure you can't see me, scream for help, or struggle' thing. I assure you (Y/N), I would never do that to you." He then smiled. "Here, if it makes you more comfortable, I can untie you from the chair."

"Thank you..." you said.

"So (Y/N)... since I know your name, it's only fair you know mine, right?" He asked you. "I'm Shouto T... j-just Shouto." He explained. "I go by the name Deadheart. Because, you know, I'm dead inside, and I really wish my heart would just stop beating."

"Same." You said.

"You're a villain as well?"

"What? No, I meant about the dead inside thing!"

"Ah. Makes more sense. I mean, I've been watching you for so long, I'd be surprised if I didn't know you were a villain! ...which you aren't." Shouto told you.

As he untied you, he suddenly spoke up again.

"I think you should know, I do have an... assistant, of sorts. He calls himself 'Lord Explosion Murder', but that's... a pretty dumb name, so I just call him by his name,  Bakugou." Shouto explained. "He's very aggressive, and... kind of clingy, sometimes... and he has trouble trusting people... if he ever makes you uncomfortable, you can just tell me!"

"Yeah, yeah sure. I'll do that." You responded.

Once you were untied, you stood up.

"Can I see your face...?"

"I-!" He put his hand over his mouth. "I've... never shown it to anyone... even people I trust haven't seen me without my mask." Shouto said. "But..." he sighed. "If it's for you, then I... suppose I can make an exception..."

He took the mask off.

As you stared, you covered your mouth and started gagging. 

You turned around so you wouldn't offend him as you threw up on the floor.

"I knew you wouldn't like it... I knew you'd think I'm ugly..."

"N-no, I don't think you're ugly Shouto, it's just that..." You wiped your mouth. The phlegm stuck to your finger, and with no other way to get it off, you just wiped it on your shirt, as disgusting as it was. "Y-your face is... w-well, it looks like you died in a fire..."

"I was. Minus the dying part." He explained. "I had a far less... disgusting looking scar, but... I hated it. I could barely stand to look at it, so instead, I just... burned my face off. At least the side it was on."

"Oh, that's... that's terrible." You told him. "But how did you burn your face?" You asked. You turned around, and took deep breaths as you looked at him.

"Well, if you're asking that, and you already know what my face looks like... I'll tell you who I am."

He grabbed a waterbottle off of a nearby table.

He then opened the cap, and poured it over himself.

That's when his true hair was revealed. His hair was two different colours, red and white.

"(Y/N), have you ever heard of the Hero named Blue Phoenix?" Shouto asked you.

"Oh! Yeah! The Cremation Hero, right? What a morbid title..." you responded. Shouto laughed.

"It is a morbid title, isn't it?" He sighed, and turned around. "Blue Pheonix... or rather, Touya Todoroki... he's my older brother."

"What? T-there's no way!" You said in disbelief. "I-if that's true... then you need to tell him you're alive! I'm sure he's worried about you!"

"Why would I do that, (Y/N)? Touya abandoned us. He abandoned our family, he abandoned our siblings, he abandoned our mother, he abandoned... me." Shouto told you. "He left me to fend for myself against our father. I wish I could have done what he did... just run away to a better family... a family that saw me as a person... not just a tool..."

"Oh... I... I feel so bad for you, Shouto..." you said to him.

"Just... fed up with everything, I... I faked my death." He confessed. "Maybe that's why I'm so desperate to get you to love me." He told you.

"Shouto... if I knew that... I..." you paused.

"I'll stay here with you." You told him.

Shouto started to tear up, and he hugged you tightly.

"Thank you... (Y/N)..." He whispered.

Because of how the two of you were positioned, you weren't able to see Shouto's face.

Meaning you weren't able to see his smile.

It wasn't an innocent, thankful smile.

It was sadistic. Like a predator who'd just lured in more prey.

What you didn't know was that you were just guilt-tripped into a relationship with a murderer.

He made you feel bad for him, hoping that if you felt bad enough, you'd agree to stay with him.

And his plan worked perfectly.

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