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Hey... what is that...?


There's something behind you.

I'm sure if you just ignore it, it'll go away, so whatever you do...





| Paranoia |

He's asleep.

Get the phone. Get the phone. Get the phone. Get the phone. Get the phone. Get the phone. Get the phone.


You picked up the cellphone off of the table.

It rang once, twice, three times.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"P-please, I need help... I've been kidnapped by someone..." You cautiously told.

"Ok, do you know the address?"

"No, I-"

"(Y/N), what are you doing?"

"I-!" You tried to say something,  but you just couldn't. It was as if the words were caught in your throat.

He grabbed the phone away from you, before throwing it onto the ground as hard as he could, presumably breaking it.

"You couldn't have thought I was actually asleep, did you (Y/N)? Why would I keep a cellphone on the table, out in the open, and then go to sleep without hiding it from you?"

You couldn't speak at all.

You were too scared.

"I did that on purpose, (Y/N). I wanted to give you hope, only to tear it away from you at the last moment~" He told you, grabbing your arm tightly. "I want to break you, (Y/N)... so you learn to not run away anymore..."

He tightened his grip.

"I'm sure you'll learn eventually." He told you. "For now though... I think you deserve a punishment, (Y/N). You'll never learn without consequences~"

"No... no..!" Were the only words you could get out.

Dabi's hand started to get hotter.

"No... G-GET OFF OF ME!" You screamed, as he violently burnt your arm.

Once he was done, you fell to the floor in pain.

"I'm not carrying to the bed this time (Y/N). So either get over it, or fall asleep in the dining room." He told you, in a cruel, unforgiving tone.

"Why...? I j-j-just want to go home...!" You started crying. Everything was too much for you. Why was this happening? What did you do to deserve this?

There's no hope of escaping anymore...


That's what you thought.

There was an aggressive knock at the door, before they gave up on knocking, and just busted the door down.

"PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" One of the officers yelled at him.

So, he set the floor on fire.

And so they shot him.

Once the flames calmed down, you realized that Dabi's body had just... disappeared.

Sure, you were free, but...

Was he dead?

Had he escaped?

What became of him?

You tried your best to adjust to a normal life again, but...

That proved to be quite difficult.

With the uncertainty of what had happened to Dabi, you were always scared that you'd be taken again.

You checked every room in the house, and locked every door you could before you went to sleep.

One day, as you were trying to fall asleep...

You heard something.

You were terrified.

Was it... him?

Your heart was beating extremely fast, and you couldn't fall asleep because of how scared you were.

So, you got out of bed.

You checked every room in the house.

Nobody was there.


You were just too scared.

So you grabbed your phone, and called a friend.

"Kazuo... c-can you come over...?"

"Why? What's wrong, (Y/N)?"

"I heard a noise in the house, and I checked everywhere, but nothing was there... and I know nothing's there, but it... it'd just feel better if I had someone with me right now..."

"Aw, yeah, I'll come over. I'll be there in 10 minutes tops!"

"Thank you... a-and Kazuo... I think I might be paranoid."

"Yeah, I wouldn't doubt that, it makes sense."

"Could I stay on call...? That'd just feel better..."

"Of course! I'll set it to speaker while I drive!"

"Again... thank you, Kazuo..."

You felt a sense of calm wash over you, until from behind you, you heard

"I guess I have 10 minutes to get you out of here, huh?"

The voice was enough.

You turned around quickly, and... there he was.

Standing behind the couch you were sitting on...

Was Dabi.

"N-no... no no no nonononononononononoNONONONONONONONONONO! TH-THIS ISN'T REAL! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!" You screamed. "WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?!"

"(Y/N)-? Are you ok? What's happening?"

Dabi grabbed your phone out of your hand.

"Hey. (Y/N) called you Kazuo, right? Well, Kazuo, I need to tell you... I don't like to leave witnesses."

He then disconnected from the call.

"Come on (Y/N)..."

"I'll teach you not to leave me anymore."

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