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I just had a really sudden idea, and also, this one's gonna be really short.

| Home |

"I'm not going with you." You stated. "And that's final."

"You're not coming with me...?" Hawks asked, standing there.

"No. So, you can just... leave me alone now." You told him, sweat dropping down your face.

"Oh, alright." He said, shrugging. "Guess I'll have to take you with me by force."

He grabbed you tightly, and started flying upwards.

You struggled in his grip, but then realized that if you get away from him, you'll plummet to your death.

It got harder to breathe as he flew higher, and higher, and higher.

And as he kept flying upwards, you eventually passed out from a lack of oxygen.

You woke up somewhere unfamiliar.

It was a house, you knew that much.

You were sitting on a couch.

And then... you saw him.

Hawks came in the room, and sat down right beside you.

"Where am I?" You demanded.

"You're home, (Y/N)."

"No I'm not!" You yelled. "I don't live here! Now tell me where I am!"

"I already told you, (Y/N)... you're right beside me... right where you belong..."

"You're home, (Y/N)."

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