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Requested by: RantaroWithAGun

I saw this request and just knew I had to do it.

And also, it's four in the morning and I can't get back to sleep, so what else am I gonna do?

| Argument |

You to the kitchen in the middle of the night, just wanting to get some food.

That's when you heard them arguing.

"Oh? So you thought you could just take them away from me?" You heard Kirishima ask.

"Take them away? They were mine from the beginning." Bakugou responded.

"They. Are. Mine." Kirishima spoke. "So just back off, Bakugou."

"You don't get to tell me what to do."

"I know, but I'm doing it anyways."


You looked, and saw they were standing alone in the darkened kitchen, only lit up by the lights on the stove.

Then, you saw Kirishima grab a knife.

"WHAT THE FUCK?! THERE'S NO WAY YOU'RE TAKING THIS SHIT THIS FAR KIRI!" You heard Bakugou yell. "And why not just use your hardening?"

"Oh right!" Kirishima dropped the knife, and hardened his hand. "I am taking it this far. This DESERVES to be taken this far."

You hid behind the wall again, and covered your mouth with your hands.

What are they fighting over?


They've both been talking to you a lot recently, so...

Does that mean they're fighting over... you?!

"Well if we're taking it this far... I won't hold back, shark boy." You heard a sound like a small explosion.

"Alright. Prepare to die, Bakugou."

"Same to you, Kirishima."

"WAIT-!" You yelled, revealing yourself. "Please stop fighting, please don't kill each other... I'd feel so guilty knowing that one of you died... because of me..."

"Oh, hi (Y/N)!" Kirishima greeted you. "And what do you mean 'because of you'?"

"Well... you two are fighting over me, right...? You've both been talking to me a lot recently... and I-"

"Dumbass." Bakugou called you. "Oi Kiri, you hearing this?"

"Yeah, that's embarrassing!" Kirishima said, laughing slightly.

"Why are you fighting, then...?"

"Because Bakugou took the last two pizza roles! One of them was gonna be mine, and we were gonna share the last one! But nooooooooooooooooooooooo, they're both for him, apparently."

Ok, you can never show your face to them again.

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