𝐸𝒾𝒿𝒾𝓇𝑜 𝒦𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓂𝒶

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Ok, this one wasn't a request, but I just had a super sudden idea that I really need to write since it's 11pm, and I'm sure I'll forget it if I go to sleep, so...

Now, let me quickly explain the main idea of this chapter.

Zombie Apocalypse - No Quirks.

(I've been playing Plants vs Zombies lately so that might be why I thought of this)

| Lonely Friends |

You had just barely avoided death, yet again.

Unfortunately though, the only way to narrowly escape death like you had just done was to cut off your own arm.

And now, you were limping through the once bustling city, holding your wound, trying your best to stop it from bleeding, at least a bit.

After quite a while of walking, you came to a building.

An abandoned High school.

After struggling (and succeeding) to open the large door, you walked inside.

You walked over to an old water fountain, just to see if it still worked, as you could really use a drink.

To your surprise... they did.

After that very refreshing sip of water, you walked over to the bathroom, wondering if the sinks were working.

And, they did as well.

Strange, but you're not going to deny this.

As the water ran, you cupped some in your hand, and tried your best to clean your wound.

You heard the door get kicked in from behind you, something hit you with something, and you fell to the floor.

When you came to, you were met with a teenage boy with fairly long red and black hair.

"Oh thank god you're awake." He said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Sorry for trying to kill you, I... I kinda thought you were infected, and I only realized you weren't after I had hit you..."

"Well... this is a surprise." You said to yourself, looking at him. You never expected to find another living breathing human in this abandoned town.

"I cleaned up your arm for you, and I wrapped it in some bandages too. I hope that makes up for the whole 'trying to kill you' thing." He told you. "I... really am sorry for that, by the way." He whispered. He got up from his seat, and started walking away. You thought for a second, before saying

"Thanks." He looked at you, shocked, for a second, and replied

"N-no problem!"

"By the way, where are we?" You asked, standing up from the couch you were lying on.

"Oh! You know that school we were in before?" He asked, to which you nodded. "Well, I was a student there before this shit started, so I've just been hiding out in the school's dorms ever since."

"Oh." You said. "So... is anyone else here with us?" You asked, curiously.

"Nope! You're actually the first person I've talked to in..." He paused for a second, and he looked terrified, before whispering to himself "Holy shit I haven't talked to anyone in two whole years..."

"You ok...?" You asked.

"No, I'm most likely not." He responded sadly. "A-anyways, I'm just curious, what's your name?" He asked, switching moods rather quickly.

"My name's (Name), what about yours?"

"Kirishima." He simply responded.

Days had passed, and Kirishima seemed like a... nice enough person.

"Hey, (Name)..." He began, while the two of you ate dry cereal. "Do you... a-am I your friend? I know we only met a few days ago, but... I'm just wondering." He quietly asked, tilting his head down so his face would be covered with his hair.

"Yeah." You said, your mouth full of cereal. "I have no idea if I can actually trust you yet, but you seem nice."

"R-really?!" He said, showing his face again, looking very excited.

Even more days passed, and your arm wound was fully healed up.

And, it was time for you to leave.

You walked to the door, and suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Wh... w-what are you doing, (Name)...?" Kirishima asked, sounding slightly scared.

"Oh! I'm, uh, leaving." You told him.

"B-but why? Why are you leaving?" He asked frantically.

"I want to find my friends. We were in a group when all of this started, and we got separated a few months back, so now that my arm's all healed, I'm gonna keep looking for them." You explained. Kirishima dropped whatever he was holding, and ran to you, gripping the arm that was still there.

"I-I thought we were friends! W-we are, aren't we?!" He asked, his voice shifting from slightly scared to fully terrified.

"Calm down, obviously we're friends, but I have other friends as well." You said to him.

"B-but (Name)! I need you here with me, I-I need someone to talk to!" He said to you, before screaming "I'M BEGGING YOU NOT TO LEAVE ME (NAME)!!"

He kept sadly saying to you "Stay with me" over and over, until you yanked your arm away from him, and ran out the door.

You looked back, and saw him standing in the doorway, tears streaming down his terrified face.

"I'LL COME BACK!" You yelled to him. "I SWEAR I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU!!"

Before turning away, and running into the abandoned city.

How long would it take you to find your friends?

And how long would it take you to come back for him?

That is... if you even remember him by the time you find them...

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