𝕊𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕠 𝕋𝕠𝕕𝕠𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕚

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Two days leeeeeeft~!

You can count this as "Filler" if you want, but I also want this to be an actua; chapter.

| Chosen |

As you held up your candle and looked at the large mansion in front of you, it was hard to not feel scared. Your friend had gone in there a few weeks ago, and she hadn't come out yet. So, logically, you were going to try to find her. You opened the large door, proceeding to close it behind you, and looked at the interior.

"H-here goes nothing.." You said quietly. "JIROU!" You yelled as hard as you could. There was no response. "JIROU!!!!!!" You screamed even louder. There was still no response. In the best case scenario, Maybe she just couldn't hear you? I mean, this mansion is pretty big..

So, you started searching.

You looked in every room you could, some were locked, but there were still no signs of Jirou. So, you decided to check the lower levels. Still nothing. There was nothing left to do, but check the basement. But just then..

"Who are you." A voice asked you. Whoever they were, it sounded like they were right behind you. Cautiously, you turned around. It was a man with red and white hair, he looked hamless, but You were still so scared that you couldn't even get a real sentence out. "Well, are you going to tell me your name?" Despite how scared you were, you managed to stutter out

"(N-name).." He looked confused.

"Just (Name)?" He asked you, smiling sweetly. "Well, my name's Shouto. If you're ok with me asking this, why are you here?"

"I.. I was looking for my friend, J-Jirou." You explained  to him.

"Oh, really? Why are you looking here of all places?" He curiously asked you.

"Well, this is the last place I k-know she went, so.."

"Ah!" He exclaimed. "That's a good idea! Do you want me to help you?" He asked you happily.

"I mean, I've already searched this whole place, but maybe I missed something? If that's the case, then some help would be nice.." You said. You saw his face light up, then grabbed your hand, and started walking through the mansion with you.

As the two of you walked together, some questions grew in your mind. Like why was this man just.. alone in this mansion?

"Hey, Shouto, how do you know this place so well?" You asked him.

"Oh, i-it's my home." He said, seemingly sounding surprised that you didn't know. "I've lived here all my life." He explained in a cold, emotionless tone.

"Really?" You asked again. "Why? Didn't you ever think about going somewhere else?"

"Obviously I've thought about leaving, but I just.. couldn't."

Then, you got to the basement.

"Listen, (Name). I just.. alright, I think I.. I think I like you, so swear to me." Shouto desperately grabbed your hands. "Swear to me that.. no matter what happens, no matter what you see down there.. swear that you'll stay, please."

"Right." You said quietly. He opened the door, and the two of you descended into the basement. You lifted the candle as you walked, going deeper, deeper, deeper, until you were finally in the room.

Your breathing quickened. There was nothing you could say. Even if you wanted to say something, you just couldn't.

And then, you screamed.

Tears fell down your face.

So, what were you so scared of then?


Countless bodies all piled up on the floor.

It looked like they were all killed in the same way, too.

And you were probably next, weren't you?

You felt Shouto hug you from behind, and heard a quiet whisper.

"I'm so sorry (Name).. it's just basic needs, isn't it..?" Normally, you'd respond in confusion, but you still were too scared to talk. "Well, now that you've seen them.. and, I do want you to stay with me.. so I might as well try it."

Two  tiny sharp objects dug their way into your neck.

And you would become his.

F o r e v e r .



So in case you're confused, this is taking place in the Halloween AU.

Where Todo is a Vampire.

Alright, bye!

Also, in the words of someone from my Geography class last year, "If you really think about it, a vampire bite is just a sharp hickey"

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