𝒟𝑒𝓃𝓀𝒾 𝒦𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒾

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Hey! I know I said that last chapter would be the last one I made before I slept...

I might have lied.

Moving on, I'm continuing the Demon Kaminari scenario!

In which he's an adorable dumbass who doesn't know how human things work!

(And Kami tells you about his previous relationship, but that doesn't matter... right...?)

(I'll just come out and say it- I just wanted to write something kinda sad. (but I failed :P))

And yet again, just to clarify...


...this time.

| Bound By Fate P2 |

You were a normal person.

You had a normal life.

You had a normal group of friends.

You had a normal job.

You had gone to a normal school.

And yet...

You had found yourself in the least "normal" situation possible.

Your boyfriend was a demon.

Though you didn't really mind.

He was very nice to you, and he was pretty cute some times.

He didn't know how things worked.

In a way, it was like a child experiencing things for the first time.

The only difference is he's 2000 years old.

One time, you reheated something in the microwave, and he was so confused about how it went in cold, and came out hot.

He also didn't know how TVs worked, and that was pretty funny to watch.

And when you watched historical documentaries, the ones where they have to speculate what happened, he'd tell you what actually happened.

It was kinda weird some times.

"(Y/N)..." He began one night as the two of you layed in bed. "I know you told me about that dream you had about that purple-haired boy... so I think I should tell you..." He paused. "I've been in a relationship before."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. It was... some time in the 1920's, if I'm remembering right." He explained, sighing. "His name was Hitoshi, and I was as in love as I possibly could be." Denki's voice showed the slightest bit of sadness. "The day came when he wanted to meet my mom, for some reason, and so I dragged him down to Hell with me, just so he could."

"Hm. Alright, where's  this story going...?"

"That was the same day I realized... humans, in their bodies... can't survive down there." His voice seemed even sadder now. "It was hard for him to breathe... and the moment I realized that, I brought him back up to your world. But when I did, it was pretty much too late..."

"He suffocated...? That sounds like a terrible way to die..."

"No, it wasn't the suffocation that killed him... after returning, he developed a strange illness. None of the doctors knew what it was." He explained. "It was horrible to experience with him, and I can't even imagine how much pain he was in... I stayed with him the whole time."

"Oh, that sounds like an even worse way to die..."

"I still remember the last thing he said to me. He told me not to blame myself... that it was all his fault he died... and that he'll always love me. And, (Y/N), I know this might be selfish, but I just need clarity... if you meet Hitoshi tonight..."

Denki paused, as his voice cracked.

"Can you ask him if he forgives me for indirectly causing his death...?"

"From what you just told me, it sounds like he did forgive you..."

"But-!" He sighed. "I don't know why, but I feel like he was lying. So (Y/N), if you see him... just ask what he really felt that night... the night of February 17th 1920-something. Please...." He turned to you. "(Y/N), I really am in love with you, I hope you don't doubt that."

"Why would I doubt that you love me?" You asked him, confused.

"Because I... the way I told you about it..."

"Who cares about how you told me that your past boyfriend died? Everyone has feelings, don't they? And if you're sad about a past partner dying, all you are is sad about a past partner dying. I don't doubt the fact that you love me just because you feel sad!" You told him.

"Heh... thanks, (Y/N)..."

The next day, Denki seemed to feel better.

You, unfortunately, didn't see the boy last night, so you couldn't ask if he forgave Denki.

You had to remember that Denki was a part of a species that... didn't exactly feel emotions.

This must have been so new to him.

So in a way, you felt bad for him.

And you remember...

Compared to him, humans live incredibly short lives.

And if he's in love with you- a human...

Then was it even a good thing that he loved you...?

He'll just have his heart broken again, won't he...?

You felt sad for him.

A timeless being that falls in love with something that has such limited time...

He'll be so sad.


Maybe you should commit yourself to him.

Make the most of this crazy relationship, for the both of you.

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