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Requested by: gigsrulez51

I go back to school today, so there might not be as many updates as there has been recently.

And on another note, I'm 100% up for doing darker chapters. I had fun writing this one...

| Puppet |

You slowly opened your eyes as you awoke from your dream.

The first thing you see in the morning is his tired face, waiting for you to wake up.

He dominated your life, to the point where he was the only thing you thought about all day. All of your dreams have been about him.

It was to the point where you'd forgotten everything about yourself that wasn't "important" to him.

What were your siblings names? Did you even have any siblings? What about your parents? What do they look like? And your friends... what were their names? When did you meet them? Did you have any friends? Or have you just been lonely your whole life? What was your favourite song? Or your favourite colour? Where did you go to school? Were you homeschooled? And what about your childhood memories?

You'd forgotten almost everything that he didn't care about.

"Oh, good morning, (Y/N)." His voice snaps you out of your trance. That's when you start focusing on the only thing that matters, your husband, Hitoshi Shinsou. Or... was he just your boyfriend...?

How pitiful.

You can't even remember if you're married or not.

You get out of the bed, and he helps you get dressed.

"Alright, arms up." You do as told, and he puts a shirt on you. You sit back down on the bed as he grabs a hairbrush. He gets on the bed behind you, and starts brushing your hair, trying his best to not hurt you. "What do you want for breakfast, (Y/N)?" He asks you. You feel the brush touch your scalp as it tugs through your hair.

"Whatever you want is good with me..." You tell him, somehow managing to smile.

You walk down the stairs, following him to the first floor.

He goes to the kitchen, and you sit down on the couch.

When he finishes making breakfast for the two of you, he brings you your plate, taking some of the food, and gently shoving it in your mouth.

"Is it good?" He asks. Your only response is a nod, as he continues feeding you.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, but we're gonna go see two of my friends today!" He tells you happily.

"We are?"

"Yeah, Kaminari and Sero. They told me that they need four people to play the board game that they were planning on playing. And, now would be the perfect time for them to meet you!" He informed you.

When you finished eating, you stood up from the couch, and made your way to the front door.

Hitoshi put your coat on you, and opened the front door for you.

You made your way to the car, and sat in the passenger seat, with him getting in the driver's side, and starting it up.

While playing the board game, one of his friends noticed your strange behavior.

"Hey, (Y/N)..." Sero began. "Are... are you ok...?"

Your answer was emotionless, yet honest. You responded with a lie that you truly  believed.

"I'm fine."

While driving home with Hitoshi, a question surfaced.

"Have I... have I been in a relationship before...? I can't remember..."

He seemed to hesitate for a second, before responding with

"No, we've been together since high school."

"That makes sense..." If you can't remember being in a relationship before him, then you probably weren't.

And you knew he'd never lie to you.

At the end of the day, he'd draw a bath for you, and wash your hair. He also helped you brush your teeth, get pajamas on, brush your hair again... everything.

Your day ends with his voice telling you

"Good night, (Y/N), have a good sleep~"

He does so much to take care of you.

He helps you so much.

He dresses you, feeds you, bathes you, he does everything for you.

He's the only thing that matters in your life.

On his end, he knew what he'd done.

He's broken you past the point of no return.

But that's exactly what he wanted.

He wanted you to depend on him.

He wanted you to love him.

He wanted you to care only about him.

He wanted you all to himself.

He wanted you to be his




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