𝒯𝑜𝓂𝓊𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓀𝒾

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(Male Reader)

Requested by LiveWithoutThinking

I hope you like it, and I hope I did good!

| Player Two |

You'd been  playing online games for quite a while, and recently started playing with someone named HandyMan. To be honest, your name wasn't much better, as you just used your nickname.

You two had been playing basically all day at this point, and then, your friend asked you something.

"Hey (Nickname), you gonna be online tomorrow?" You heard his raspy voice ask.

"Nah, gotta buy something." You told him. He went silent, before asking you

"All day?"

"Well, no, obviously... but it does take a while for me to find what I want. I swear Pop-Up Mart changes the aisles every day just to spite me!" You said, angrily.

"Wait... Pop-Up Mart?" You heard your friend ask.

"Yeah! I actually kinda wish they'd shut down. Like, they're a good-enough shop, but their bread tastes like plastic, and their coffee grounds seems to always be sold out." You said, annoyed.

"I'm pretty sure I've gone there before... and I know exactly what you're talking about." Your raspy-voiced friend told you, also annoyed.

You laughed, before saying

"Alright, bye Handy." You left the call, left the game, and shut down your game system.

The next day, after buying your stuff and putting it away, you started playing again.

You put your headset on, and invited your friend HandyMan to your party.

"Hey (Nickname)." He said. "Did you see that Hero on the news yesterday?"

"Dude, you kinda sound like an old guy trying to 'relate to the kids'." You said, laughing at him.

"You got me. I've actually been 60 this whole time." Your friend told you in his familiar raspy voice. You burst out laughing, despite the joke not actually being that funny. "I'm actually glad you said that, we avoided a very... controversial conversation." He said, laughing slightly.

"You have controversial opinions?" You asked, not believing that he does. "Go ahead, surprise me."

"Well, I think  Hero society should be destroyed." He explained.

"Y'know? Kinda agree with you." You admitted.

The two of you discussed his "Controversial Opinions", and found yourself agreeing with them.

As the weeks passed, you started to feel uncomfortable, in your own home of all places. You swore... someone followed you wherever you were.

You shrugged it off as you needing more sleep.

So, you went to bed early.

Unfortunately,  that didn't help. You still swore someone was stalking you.

You tried your best to ignore it, since it was probably just you being paranoid.

And, days later, while you were playing games with HandyMan, the topic of Villains came up.

"Hey, have you ever heard of the League Of Villains?" You asked him. "I mean, you probably have, since they've been on the news, but have you seen how cool they are?" You continued asking.

"You think they're cool?" Your friend asked you.

"Yeah! The one in charge specifically! Shigiraki doesn't look the best, like, clothing-wise, but he... I like him." You quietly admitted. "I don't think I'd ever be able to talk to him though..."

"You... like me?" You heard your friend ask.

"N-not you Handy, I... god this is so embarrassing for me!" You said awkwardly.

"I have to go. Bye (Nickname)." He raspily told you.

Once he left, you quit the game, took your headphones off, grabbed the nearest pillow, and just screamed into it.

Thar's it.

You can never talk to HandyMan again.

How do you come back from that?

You opened the fridge, and saw some left over (Favourite food).

That'll help you feel better.

And, when you talk to HandyMan again, you can just say it was an inside joke between you and your friends.

You weren't even able to hear the sound of your door being destroyed before someone slapped a piece of cloth on your face.

You dropped the plate on the ground, it shattering as you looked up at whoever was doing it.

You weren't able to get a clear look at them, before the chemicals (That were most definitely on the cloth) were too much, and you passed out.

"Hey (Nickname). How was the ride over?" You heard a familiar voice ask. You gasped.

"Handy? Is that you?" You asked, as you fully regained your vision, you started to realize who it was. "Oh god..." You whispered to yourself, an awkward smile on your face.

Your online friend was actually Shigiraki.

"Well...? How was the ride?"

"I-I-I don't know, I w-was asleep! Haha!" You told him laughing nervously.

"(Nickname), I've never met anyone like you... no man I've ever met can compare to you... I don't think you should be with anyone but me..." Shigiraki said to you.

"Really?" You asked. "I mean... I'm fine with that."

"Huh...?" You heard Shigiraki ask. "I would've assumed that you would've needed at least some convincing."

"No, I'm ok with it! You heard me talking about you..." You started to become quieter. "If I wasn't actually talking to you on that call... if I was just talking to myself... I would've straight up said that I love you." You admitted. "B-but you probably don't even actually like me! A-and you probably just want to hold me hostage for money..."

"GOD- I'm not holding you hostage for money (Nickname)." He said, sounding annoyed.


"Yep. No tricks." He said. "By the way (Nickname)... what's your real name?"

"I-it's (Name)!" You told him.

"Now (Name)... would you like to join me in this game as my Player 2?"

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