𝑀𝒾𝓇𝒾𝑜 𝒯𝑜𝑔𝒶𝓉𝒶

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Requested by Tas_The_Weeb

Sometimes I remember that Deku is canonically taller than me.

And I'm also pretty sure that the only two characters in 1-A that I'm actually taller than are Tsu and Mineta.

(And I should 100% be asleep rn, but I suddenly had a burst of ideas for the chapter, and I need to write before I forget!)

| Runaway |

You had watched so many people die at this point.

Your parents, your siblings, your friends, people you didn't even know...

And it was all your fault.

That's what he told you.

And for some reason, you always believed him.

You tried to run this morning.

It didn't end that well.

Just as you swung the door open, hee popped up from the floor.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" He asked, disappointed.

"I'M LEAVING!" You screamed, trying to push past him. Mirio picked you up super easily, and you tried to punch him in the face, but your fists just phased through his head each time.

You started hyperventilating.

You were panicking, and just overwhelmed with feelings.

If you weren't able to get away from him now, would you ever?!

What do you do?

Mirio ran his fingers through your hair, holding you with only one hand, and saying

"Calm down (Y/N), it's ok... you're safe..."

"NO I'M NOT!!" You yelled, actually starting to cry. "I'm not safe, you constantly tell me that I'm the reason you killed my family, I'm anxious, I'm terrified, I-" You told him, finally breaking.

He carried you over to the couch, and dropped you on it.

"Alright, you just... do whatever you need to in order to feel better, and then come to me when you're done!"

Why did you always listen to him...?

One night, while you two were about to have, well, "adult fun time", something happened.

You sat there, naked on the bed, with Mirio practically on top of you.

"So, you ready?" He asked, a clear lusty tone in his voice.

You didn't even respond. You jumped up, grabbing the blanket, and running out of the bedroom.

You held it over you as if you were wearing a towel, and ran to the front door.

It swung open, and you made a run for it.

You didn't look, you just ran, and because of that...

You were hit by a car.

Whoever was driving stopped, and got out in a panic.

"OhmygodIjusthitsomeone-!" They said, sounding panicked, which makes sense. "Wh-what do I do??" The stuttered tripping over their words, not knowing what to say. "I-I know! I'll drive them to the hospital!" 

They opened the door to the back seat, picked you up, and put you in the back seat. They also grabbed the blanket off of the road, and covered you with it, before getting into the car themselves, and starting to drive. 

"S-some Hero I am..." you heard them say. "I can't believe I actually hit someone...!"

"Y-you... you're a... Hero...?" You asked weakly.

"AH! You're awake! Sorry, I just didn't expect that..." they told you. "Anyways, yeah, um... I'm k-known as Suneater..."

"I n-need... help..." You said. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)... t-two years ago... I was kidnapped by someone named Mirio Togata..." You explained.

"M-Mirio-?!" Suneater  said in surprise, as if he knew who it was. "I though he... I thought Mirio d-died!"

"Ah, n-never mind that, we're here." He told you, stopping the car, and exiting. He opened the backseat door, picked you up (with the blanket on), and carried you inside.

You found out you had a tiny crack in your skull, some  broken ribs, and minor damage to your legs, and were expected to make a full recovery.

It was done.

You had escaped, you were free, you were safe!

Until... a nurse told you...

"(Y/N)... You have a visitor."

As you looked at who it was, you immediately started to panic.

It was Mirio. He had found you again.

And you realized...


You'd never escape him.

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