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Hehehehehe what if you were a dumb child who didn't realize you were getting kidnapped?

| Naive |

Your parents knew strange people.

Including a man by the name of Kai Chisaki.

You had been playing with a small group of friends, but you and your friends wanted someone else to play with.

"Mom... Dad....?" You quietly asked, as your parents talked with Chisaki. "Can you please play with me and my friends...?" You asked.

"Oh, well-"

"I'll do it." He suddenly spoke up.

"B-but Chisaki..." Your Mom began. "I thought you said you hate children...?"

"I do, but you two look so busy right now." He said. "I'll take care of the kids outside for you two."

This felt sort of strange to you, but...

Who cares!

"Alright, what were your friends playing, (Y/N)?" Chisaki asked you.

"We were trying to play hide and seek, but my friends got mad at me because I couldn't find any of them." You explained, leading him outside.

"Hide and seek you say...?" He asked. You couldn't see his face under the mask he was wearing, so you couldn't really explain his emotion. "I like to think I'm... good at that game."

You smiled.

"You guys were mad I couldn't find you?" You asked your friends once you were outside. "Well you're not gonna be mad anymore!" You yelled.

You hid behind a bush, and watched your friends start hiding as well.

Chisaki turned away, as to not see where everyone was hiding, and started counting. As he did so, you watched him take one of his gloves off.

Once he got to ten, he turned around, and you heard him say

"Here I come."

You peaked through the leaves as you saw him walk around, searching for your friends.

You heard him say 'found you', before you heard one of your friends scream, and you saw the fence near where they were hiding was suddenly stained red.

You kept hearing this, until he had apparently found everyone except for you.

Eventually, he found you as well.

He placed his gloved hand on your head, and maybe smiled? Again, you couldn't tell.

"Found you (Y/N), I win."

He put his other glove back on, and held your hand, guiding you back into the house.

He sat back down with your parents, and you ran into the living room.

You couldn't help but wonder why your friends weren't coming back inside.

Oh well, they'll come back in eventually, won't they?

You could barely hear what your parents were talking about with Chisaki.

"It's not that we don't love (Y/N), we... we do... it's just... (Y/N) will never be a normal child. The only reason (Y/N) has any friends is because they're kids of our friends." You heard your Dad say.

"(Y/N) is going to grow up lonely, and sad, and... I don't want her to live like that." You heard your Mom add. "You... you can do something about that, right...?"

"You want me to do something about (Y/N)'s Quirk?" Chisaki asked. "I hate to break it to you, but I can't. Though... (Y/N) may be of use to me..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

He slammed his hands down on the table.

"Give (Y/N) to me." He said, firmly. "If (Y/N)'s going to grow up without any friends, or with people thinking she's evil, then it'd be fine, possibly better, if she grows up completely cut off from society... wouldn't it?" You heard him ask. "And if you think she'll have no use in the world, that's covered too. Just give (Y/N) to me, and she'll have a purpose. So I offer you a deal."

Looking into the dining room, you saw him extend his hand to your parents.

"If you give me (Y/N), I'll give you as much money as you need to support yourselves."


"No?" He asked. You heard him laugh sinisterly. "It's funny you thought it was a choice."

You saw Chisaki take both of his gloves off, and then you saw both of your parents disappear.

He put his gloves back on, and walked over to you, kneeling down to be on eye-level with you.

"Do you want to stay with me for a while, (Y/N)?" He asked. You hadn't exactly understood what he was talking about with your parents, and happily nodded.

You didn't realize what this situation would lead to.

You didn't realize what was going to happen to you.

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