𝒯𝑜𝓂𝓊𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓀𝒾

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Requested by StarDustExtra

In order to write my character's emotions to be more believable, I sometimes do something that happened to the character of interest to myself, just to see what they'd actually feel in that situation!

For example: if the character of interest has a good friend die, I murder one of my close friends to feel the crushing sadness that they'd feel! That's right, I'm a murderer! I mean sure, I don't have many friends anymore, but at least I can write believably!

There is actually a bit of truth to what I said. Not the part about me being a murderer though.

| Hospitality |

That day was a strange one.

You had, by a complete accident, witnessed a fight between a villain, and someone you didn't know.

After the fight had ended, the villain ended up leaving him for dead.

You tried to move on, and continue on your way home, but then you looked back.

Under the dim orange light of the streetlight, you saw him spit up some blood, before trying to stand up, and collapsing into the road.

You sighed, knowing that you'll feel extremely guilty if you don't end up helping him, so...

You ran to him, and picked him up, hauling him over your shoulder, and continued to walk home.

As you walked, you had wondered how you were not attacked as well, but you didn't really care.

You had more important matters to think about.

Once you were at your house, you placed the body down, opening the door and turning on the main light, before picking it up again, and bringing it inside.

You dragged him into your bedroom, and threw him onto your bed, hoping you didn't hurt him more.

You ran to the bathroom, and took a small hand towel from your towel cabinet.

You ran the towel under warm water, making sure the towel was completely soaked, before turning off the water, and wringing out the towel.

You ran back to your bedroom, and started to try to use the towel to clean the wounds (at least the ones on his face). You had seen people do this on shows, and you weren't really sure if it'd work, but it's worth a shot, right?

You knew it'd feel weird to lift up his shirt while he's completely out like this, but... you're trying to help him, it'll be fine!

Just as you were about to, you saw his eyes slowly open, and then look directly at you.

"Am I dead...?" He slowly asked.

"Well... no,  I d-don't think you are..." You responded. "And... if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"I don't have to tell you that." He said, before trying to get up.

"H-hey wait! You're really badly injured! Y-you can't go walking around in this condition!" You said, worriedly. He looked at his legs, before looking back at you.

"I actually think I can." He said dryly.

"Still, I think you should stay here, at least for tonight..." You told him. You looked down at your red-ish, scarred hands. "Besides, I want to help someone for once in my life..." You said. "So, e-even if you are fine, can you please let me have this...?" You told him. He looked annoyed and confused at the same time, and asked you

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