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Hey guys, have you seen the 2010 Alice In Wonderland? The one directed by Tim Burton? I might just be biased because I grew up with that movie (it was one of the only movies we owned), but I actually like that one better than the one made in 1951.

| When The World Repeats Again |

He breathes in deeply, smelling the shirts in your drawer. He knew very well he could go for the underwear, but no. That was going too far.

He sees you stirring in your sleep.

He should go.

Before he leaves, he grabs one of your shirts from the drawer, quietly closing it.

Choosing a somewhat risky move, he quickly kisses you on the forehead, before leaving, as if he had never been there.

At school the next day, you saw him.

Though you didn't know anything was wrong. You didn't know he'd done anything.

"(Y/N)... I have to tell you something. Can you meet me in the garden after school?" Kaminari asks.

"Yeah, sure!"

"Thank you. I'll be waiting."

After school, you met him there.

"(Y/N)... I have died so many times. When I do, everything repeats, but there are always differences. Sometimes they're small differences, like my eyes being a different colour. Sometimes they're huge differences, like my friend being a Dragon. Even with the 100s of repeats I've been through... I've never met anyone as beautiful as you. So... please... love me. Love me. Love me."

"W-what? Kaminari, this is really out of nowhere!" You said, shocked.

"Come on, it's not out of nowhere at all! Please, just say you love me!" Kaminari begs.

"No, I... I'm not ready for this at all, Kaminari... I think I'd prefer just becoming friends first..." You say, sighing. Kaminari shrugs.

"Maybe you'll say yes... when everything repeats again."

"No, don't guilt-trip me by threatening suicide!" You yell.

"You're right. I shouldn't do that at all..." He says to himself, disappointed. "I'm sorry."

He starts walking away.

"I'm sorry... for more things than that."

He takes part of his uniform off, holding it as if he were wringing out a towel.

"I'm sorry for stealing your shirt, I'm sorry for invading your privacy, I'm sorry for confessing to you before we really knew each other. And... for the last thing I'm sorry for..."

He runs towards you, wrapping the uniform around your neck, pulling both ends, making it tighter and tighter.

You gasp for air as you try to pry it away, to no avail.

"I'm sorry for strangling you to death. Maybe since I'm killing you, you'll repeat the cycle with me."

Tears fall down your face, as you try to say his name.

"And if that's the case, then... I'll see you again, (Y/N)..."

"I'll see you when the world repeats again."

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