𝔜𝔲𝔤𝔞 𝔄𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔪𝔞

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Fun fact: Toy Story 3 fucking scarred me as a child. Because of the climax to that damn movie, even today, I have a hard time throwing old stuff away. Fuck that movie.

Also hehe I changed my pfp to the sparkly boi ✨✨✨

| Please Don't Say No |

You lived a normal life. Nothing was special about you at all. No one in your life could be described as "yandere", so you were completely fine! You'd never be kidnapped, or tortured!

Or at least, that's what you thought.

Somehow, despite all of that, you still ended up being kidnapped.

It was midnight, and you were watching a show.

It was a rainy summer night, the kind where it made it coldeer than normal, you were snuggled up in a cozy blanket, drinking a (warm drink of your choice), and you were watching your favourite show as the rain fell outside.

The peace was suddenly disturbed by someone ringing your doorbell a bunch of times.

You sighed, and put your drink down on the coffee table. You threw your blanket off of you, and felt a cold chill as you did so.

They just wouldn't stop ringing the doorbell.

You sighed in annoyance as you opened the door. The person standing there was a very panicked man, who looked very rectangular, with blue hair. He was sweating a lot, and was breathing heavily.

"Who the-"

"I'm being followed, please just pretend you know me." He whispered to you. You could have just slammed the door, but...

"Oh! Hey, didn't expect you over this late!" You said, pretending you knew the man. "Gonna come in?"

"Yes, of course! Thank you!" As the man stepped inside, you noticed a blonde man with an umbrella standing under the streetlight menacingly. You closed the door, and the stranger you let inside sighed. "Thanks, uh..."


"Thanks, (Y/N)." He said to you. "My name is Tenya Iida, I really can't thank you enough for letting me inside." He took his glasses off, and pulled a cloth out of his pocket, cleaning the water off. "My coworker, Yuga Aoyama, has taken a liking to me recently."

"Oh, that doesn't sound too bad." You said.

"Yeah, it doesn't, but Aoyama is a... strange person. He's stalking me. I noticed he was following me on my nightly run tonight, holding a... threatening looking cloth. I may just be paranoid, but I think he was going to kidnap me." Iida explained.

"Oh, that sucks." You said.

"And, (Y/N), I'm very sorry about this, you have every right to say no, but... may I stay here tonight?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." You responded, being the character that would die first in a horror movie.

You two watched your show together.

"So, Iida, why were you so scared of that friend of yours?" You asked.

"Ah, well... it's a... long story." He said.

"Eh, I don't care. Tell me everything." You said.

"Really? Ok then..." Iida took a deep breath, before telling you. "So, I had a friend (keyword: had) and a coworker, named Midoriya. Aoyama clearly had some kind of feelings for him, but, I remember Midoriya telling me that after he rejected him, Aoyama started acting strangely, like, Midoriya saw Aoyama wherever he went. Obscure restaurant? He was there. Movie theatre? He was there. Cosplay convention that Midoriya was at for some reason? He was there."

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