𝔻𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕚 𝕂𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕒𝕣𝕚

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Ok, this one will be a lot different, 1st person instead of 2nd person, it being told as a recount story, etc.

Anyways, enjoy! :)

| Reminder |

"Mom... I know you don't like talking about it, but... what was he like?" The young boy asked you. "I know you didn't like him, but... I want to know more about him." He said to you. You thought for a minute, before sighing.

"You know what?" You said, pausing for a second. "I think you're old enough to know." He sat down, and you began to tell the story.


10 years ago, I met him for the first time. I saw his golden eyes, and I knew- or, rather- I thought...

I was in love with him.

He was in the Hero Course, and I was in the Support Course. 

With him being in the Hero Course, there's no way I would've had a chance with him. But luckily, or unluckily rather, I had known one of his close friends. If I had known what this would lead to, I don't think I would have ever asked him to help me.

"Hey, Sero...?" I had asked him. "You know your friend, th-the yellow haired one?"


"Yeah! Something I was wondering, if you'd be up to it... um... could you set us up on a date?" When I asked him that, it looked like his heart had just shattered. I didn't know at the time, but I think Sero had a crush on me.

"Y-yeah, I can do that..." He had said to me. I walked up to him, and hugged him.

"Thank you Sero!" I said happily. I walked away, heading to my Homeroom class. Waving goodbye as I did so.

The next day, after classes of course, we had a date. It was really nice! I had thought that would be how our relationship went... but all good things must come to an end, I suppose.

Three years later, we graduated. Denki became a Pro Hero, and I designed Support Items for Heroes. We bought a nice house (Despite not yet being married), and everything seemed fine! Things started to change about him, the way he talked about me, the way he looked at me, everything was... off. One day, he told me something.

"Hey, (Name)...?"

"Yeah Denki?" I responded.

"I know we've been together for a while, and, I was just thinking... I've..." He paused, and looked away from me, before continuing. "I've kinda been thinking... I want a kid."

My Quirk lets me divert things. It wasn't strong enough to let me be a Hero, so I decided designing support items would still let me be one, in a way. My diversion combined with his electrification... I think it would be everything that he had wanted himself to have. Actually being able to control the electricity he had.

As we kept trying, he was very... frustrated with me. In words that you would understand, he started treat me like a Villain. When I realized what was happening, I was able to get away. One night, I ran away to... a good friend's house with everything I would need. He was nice, and let me stay. I texted Denki that we weren't together anymore, and I was free.


"Does that answer your question, Kori?" You asked him.

"Yeah... but... do I ever remind you of him?" Kori asked

"In every way except the bad way. Kori, you're everything that was good about him. You're going to be everything he was before we graduated, but you'll be that forever. I assure you." You reassured him. Kori smiled at you, before you heard the door open.

"(Name), I'm back!" A tall, black haired man walked in the room, and smirked a bit. "I see Kori isn't in bed yet." Your son ran up to him and hugged him. You got up from your chair carefully, and walked towards your husband.

"Hey Hanta." You said to him. "What were you called out for?" He sighed.

"Someone was robbing a jewelry store. It was rough." He said, exasperated. "What were you doing with Kori?"

"He insisted on watching the weather channel before he went to bed, then he asked me about Kaminari." You responded.

"Hey, speaking of Kaminari, are you sure you wanna go through with it? Like, are you sure it won't remind you of him?" He whispered to you.

"Yes. I've told you multiple times, I'm completely ok with going through with it. You don't have to ask me 20 times a night...!" You whispered back, laughing a bit.

"I know, I just want to make sure you're ok with it..." He said.

You put Kori to bed, and you and Sero were able to have a nice night alone. You watched (A really good show that you like) and kept talking.

"So, you are sure we can go through with it?"

"Yes, I'm sure...!" You said, happily. "Do you think Kori will be excited to know he's getting a baby sister?" You then asked him.

"Oh he definitely will." Sero responded to you. You smiled.




Hi! I hope you liked this one!

I really wanted to write a chapter with a happy ending, and so this.

I know that Kaminari wasn't exactly my interpretation of a Yandere,

but I wanted to imply that if you had stayed with him, he would

have definitely become one.

I also want to say, Kori was...... conceived... the night before you broke up with Kaminari.

So.... bye! :)

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