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| A Perfect Couple |

You were in love with him. DEEPLY in love with him. You had been ever since you first met him. Of course, he didn't know. You never approached him, or told him... but you knew, deep down, he loved you too.

"(Name)! Are you ready to study with me and Asui?" It was him. Midoriya. He had been hanging out with Tsu an awful lot lately, and you had started to get suspicious of them.

"Yeah! Let's go!" You said excitedly.

This time, the study session was being held at your house. The perfect place to do it...

About halfway into studying, Midoriya and Tsu entered the bathroom together. That's it. That was the last straw. You were going to kill her. You quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. You ran to the bathroom, kicked the door open, and That's when you saw it. Midoriya, with his fist covered in blood, and Tsu laying dead on the floor. When he saw you, he started panicking.

"A-Ah! (Name)! I swear it's not what it-" Then he saw what you were holding. "Wait... were you also planning to kill her...? O-or me?"

"I mean... yeah, I was going to kill Tsu... but why did you kill her?" You asked him cautiously.

"Well... I guess this is a bad time to say this, but... I love you (Name)..." He said, looking down at the floor while blushing. "To clarify, I love you more than I love All Might! Do you understand, (Name)?" You dropped the knife, ran towards him, and hugged him.

"Of course I understand!" You told him happily. "Here, I'll help you wash the blood off." You laughed.

"Wait... what should we do with the body?" Midoriya asked you.

"Eh, I'm good at hiding things." You said, shrugging.

Three weeks passed like nothing, and it became very clear to everyone that the two of you were dating. If anyone had a problem with it? You'd just get rid of them! 

You decided to kill Mineta immediately, even though he (surprisingly) had nothing to say about you two. You guys just got rid of him because you could.

The two of you were the perfect couple in your eyes. You only loved eachother, and knew you two would get married one day. And, of course, once you two become popular Heroes, no one will ever realize that you two killed people as teenagers.

You two were perfect together.



I really liked this idea, and just knew I had to do a chapter with it.

I might not have written this one too good, but I still hope you enjoyed!


Sorry this one was so short 😅

[EDIT: Just like the second Fantasy Kiri chapter, I took this one down because I thought it wan't good. So! I'm uploading this one again as well!]

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